[Michlib-l] Speaker for library staff in-service

Lancaster, Cathy (MDE) LancasterC5 at michigan.gov
Wed Apr 5 13:42:46 EDT 2023

Hi Jody, et Al.,
Actually, we will be discussing this very topic of teen behavior during the next MiYouth virtual call, I'll add the details for joining that below. It's a common subject for various conference presentations and part of the YALSA Transforming Teen Services trainings LM has been offering (next round hopefully this Fall). There is no easy fix when it comes to working with teens, and all staff needs to be aware of best practices for interacting with teens. Here are a few resources you might consider sharing or working through with library staff:

  *   LM's Staff Skills<https://my.nicheacademy.com/staffskills> in Niche Academy - select "Children/YA" under categories and you'll find self-paced courses and recorded webinars such as YALSA's Interactions with Teens, Transforming Teen Services, Teen Brain Development, and more.
  *   Also in LM's Staff Skills is a category called "PCI Webinars," which has one on Handling Unwanted Customer Behavior in your Library, as well as a few Tween and Teen recordings.
  *   We also have a number of Teen Services titles in LM's Library Science Collection<https://www.michigan.gov/libraryofmichigan/libraries/libsci>, including The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services and Teen Services Today among others. Just do an advanced search using "Library Science Collection" and "Teens" to see the full selection that you can request via ILL.
  *   YALSA's Professional Tools<https://www.ala.org/yalsa/professionaltools>.
  *   YALSA's Core Professional Values for the Teen Services Profession<https://www.ala.org/yalsa/core-professional-values-teen-services-profession>. (downloadable PDF)
  *   The Search Institute's Resources Hub<https://searchinstitute.org/resources-hub> and Professional Development<https://www.search-institute.org/professional-development> options might be of use, too.

Tuesday, April 11
2:00 PM
Join LM's Youth Services Advisory Council (YSAC) for a discussion on youth & behavior in the library, as well as updates on TALK and MeL. Please note that MiYouth has transitioned to quarterly meetings (months vary) on the 2nd Tuesday at 2pm. Looking forward to seeing you at the next "MiYouth TWOsday!" We'll be sure to remind you to mark your calendars.
MiYouth meetings are open to all public library staff who work with youth in Michigan.
No need to register, just join us at 2pm ET!
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/506813991?pwd=Z2NBMTFES1BlRlNVc2lhbzV1eTJ0QT09
    Password: 454345

Hope this is of help,
Cathy Lancaster
Youth Services Coordinator
Library of Michigan
702 W. Kalamazoo St.
Lansing, MI 48915
My Pronouns: She/Her/Hers - See www.mypronouns.org<http://www.mypronouns.org/> to learn more.
LancasterC5 at michigan.gov<mailto:LancasterC5 at michigan.gov> | 517-335-8129 | www.mi.gov/libraryofmichigan<http://www.mi.gov/libraryofmichigan>
Follow us: Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/libraryofmichigan/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/libraryofmich> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/libraryofmichigan/>

Join the MiYouth<http://mail2.mcls.org/mailman/listinfo/miyouth> Listserv, created for Michigan public library staff to share and discuss children and teen programming and services.

From: Michlib-l <michlib-l-bounces at mcls.org> On Behalf Of Jody Helme-Day via Michlib-l
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 9:33 AM
To: michlib-l at mcls.org
Subject: [Michlib-l] Speaker for library staff in-service

CAUTION: This is an External email. Please send suspicious emails to abuse at michigan.gov<mailto:abuse at michigan.gov>


We are holding a library staff in-service on Friday, May 5, and we would like to have someone come and talk to us about handling teens in the library. Can anyone recommend someone?

Thank you!

Jody Helme-Day (she/her/hers) Why does this matter?<https://pronouns.org/what-and-why>
Teen Services Librarian
Tecumseh District Library<https://www.tecumsehlibrary.org/>
(517)423-2238, Ext.25

What am I reading?
All My Rage by Sabaa Tahir

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