[Michlib-l] Substitute Pools

Deb Hemmye dhemmye at hwoodslib.org
Thu Apr 6 12:24:03 EDT 2023

I'm on a TLN (The Library Network) committee that is looking into establishing a pool of substitute clerks and substitute librarians for our members. Do any of you have experience with establishing or using a substitute pool? Some of our early questions are: 

    * How and where do you hold the candidates' information (separate website, consortium or library website, something else)? 
    * What information do you find most helpful to know about each candidate? 
    * Are candidates vetted before becoming part of the pool? If so, who does this? Does vetting include a background check? 
    * How long does a candidate stay on your list or in your database? 
    * Are people ever removed from the list? How? Why? 
    * How many libraries/branches participate in your pool? 

Many thanks! 

Deb Hemmye 
Library Director 
Huntington Woods Public Library 
26415 Scotia Road 
Huntington Woods, MI 48070 
248-543-9720, ext. 686 
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