[Michlib-l] Broadband and Digital inclusion update from NTIA and USDA

Reish, Karren (MDE) ReishK at michigan.gov
Mon Apr 10 13:49:49 EDT 2023

Good afternoon, please find some information about digital developments that relate to libraries from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration and the USDA, shared with us the Institute of Museum and Libraries. These include the chance to apply for a grant (#2) and to provide feedback on future grants (#3).

  1.  NTIA, with IMLS input, developed a resource for their Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program as well as Digital Equity Act Programs:  "Working with Libraries: A guide for States and Territories on leveraging libraries in digital inclusion efforts: https://broadbandusa.ntia.doc.gov/sites/default/files/2023-03/How_to_Engage_with_Libraries_for_SBOs_03.27.2023.pdf

  2.  USDA recently announced a round of Community Connect Grants, which support broadband deployment in rural communities where service is least likely to be commercially available, and construction-related activities are allowable.  States, local governments, tribes, non-profits, and others are eligible, and the deadline is June 20.  There is more info in the program-specific Fact Sheet<https://www.rd.usda.gov/sites/default/files/fact-sheet/508_RD_FS_RUS_CommunityConnect.pdf> and Federal Register notice<https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2023-03-20/pdf/2023-05549.pdf>.

  3.  NTIA is holding 4 public listening sessions on the Digital Equity Act to collect stakeholder input to help inform the development and administration of the State Digital Equity Capacity and State Digital Equity Competitive grant programs:  https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2023-04-06/pdf/2023-07133.pdf

Karren Reish
Library Grants Coordinator
Library of Michigan
517-241-0021 / www.mi.gov/lsta<http://www.mi.gov/lsta>

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