[Michlib-l] Copyright Spring/Summer 2023 Discussion Series Line-Up

Gallo, Biz (MDE) GalloB at michigan.gov
Fri Apr 21 14:40:27 EDT 2023

For those of you interested in learning more about copyright and digital libraries, the Open Copyright Education Advisory Network (OCEAN)<https://sites.google.com/umich.edu/oceancopyright/home> has an upcoming series starting in May covering a variety of copyright-related topics. Please see list below of upcoming discussion topics and registration links to attend virtually.

Biz Gallo

Statewide Digitization Initiatives Coordinator

Library of Michigan, 702 W. Kalamazoo, Lansing, MI 48915
GalloB at michigan.gov<mailto:GalloB at michigan.gov> | mi.gov/LMdigitization<http://mi.gov/LMdigitization> | 517-335-1402


Michigan’s Top 10 Strategic Education Plan<https://www.michigan.gov/mde/resources/michigan-top-10-strategic-education-plan> provides focused direction to drive educational achievement in support of all learners.

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Registration is now open! Join OCEAN<http://oceancopyright.org/> on Zoom for their upcoming Discussion Series.  As always, we do not charge fees to attend but registration is required. And finally, we ask that all participants please respect OCEAN's Code of Conduct.<https://sites.google.com/umich.edu/oceancopyright/resources/our-code-of-conduct>

May 5, 2023 @ noon Eastern: The Internet Archive Case Update and Discussion About Controlled Digital Lending

What does the current Federal Court decision in Hachette v. Internet Archive mean for the cultural heritage community? How might it affect the application of fair use in libraries, archives and museums? Once more, join panelists Michelle Wu, Georgetown University<https://gufaculty360.georgetown.edu/s/contact/00336000014RgZwAAK/michelle-wu>, Pia Hunter, Associate Director for Research and Instruction and faculty, University of Illinois, College of Law<https://law.illinois.edu/faculty-research/faculty-profiles/pia-m-hunter/>, and Kyle K. Courtney, Copyright Advisor and Program Manager, Harvard University<https://scholar.harvard.edu/kcourtney/biocv>, and Chair, Library Futures<https://www.libraryfutures.net/board/kyle-courtney> to discuss the implications of the lower court decision and the appeal.

Click to Register for The Internet Archive Case Update and Discussion About Controlled Digital Lending<https://miamioh.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwvcuiopjIqGtbNph1ZHdFCZGVcREB6IZKy#/registration>

June 2, 2023 @ noon Eastern: A Primer on Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

Should libraries, archives and museums be concerned about potential amendments to Section 230 and if so, why?  Currently, section 230 exempts social media platforms from being responsible for the content that they host. Congress is examining the viability of this exemption and considering stricter liability for hosted and moderated content. Join faculty to learn about the copyright adjacent issue of section 230, potential amendments and implications for cultural heritage organizations participating in social media.  Join panelists Katherine Klosek, Director Information Policy, ARL<https://www.arl.org/people/katherine-klosek/>, Scott Wilkens, Senior Counsel, Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University<https://knightcolumbia.org/bios/view/-10> and other panelists to learn about the complexity of library, archive and museum social media participation, the proposed changes and the impact they may have on cultural heritage organizations.

Click to Register for A Primer on Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act<https://miamioh.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArdeqqrD0vE9WrQ4Rutt4k6SVFK5wuoh73#/registration>

June 16 @ noon Eastern:  All Rights Issues Concerning Preservation in a Contemporary Context

What rights issues are implicated in preserving contemporary materials and objects?  What are the rights issues related to the preservation of recordings and audio visual materials? What are the hidden rights issues that can pause a preservation project or initiative?  Will the law change to address complex media preservation needs?  Join panelists Brandon Butler, Intellectual Property and Licensing Director, University of Virginia Library<https://www.library.virginia.edu/staff/bcb4y> and Law and Policy Advisory to the Software Preservation Network<https://www.softwarepreservationnetwork.org/brandon-butler/>, Rina Elster Pantalony, Director Copyright Advisory Services<https://copyright.columbia.edu/about/rina-elster-pantalony-biography.html>, Columbia University Libraries and co-author of WIPO's Preservation Toolkit <https://www.wipo.int/meetings/en/doc_details.jsp?doc_id=597091> and others to discuss all rights issues about the preservation of collections in a contemporary context.

Click to Register for All Rights Issues Concerning Preservation in a Contemporary Context<https://miamioh.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwrf-itrjIoEtIe8gtGSCM-wi8aZH6NrsMr#/registration>

June 30 @ noon Eastern: The Importance of Workflows in Risk Assessment When Sharing Collections Online

How do you include risk assessment operationally?  Where in a digitization workflow does it arise and should it be addressed? Join authors Jody Elizabeth Bailey, Carrie Hintz, Melanie Kowalski, and Sarah Quigley when they present, discuss and answer questions about their new publication entitled Finding Balance: Collaborative Workflows for Risk Management in Sharing Cultural Heritage Collections Online<https://www.oercommons.org/courses/finding-balance-subtitle-collaborative-workflows-for-risk-management-in-sharing-cultural-heritage-collections-online?__hub_id=88>, an OER publication that is part of the Scholarly Communications Notebook, an IMLS-funded collection.

Click to Register for The Importance of Workflows in Risk Assessment When Sharing Collections Online<https://miamioh.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwuceurrzIiHdYB9ELd1t7cpqCp9qb_SJZf#/registration>

Placeholder: Andy Warhol Fair Use Case

We are all waiting for the US Supreme Court to release the opinion in the Andy Warhol Fair Use Case<https://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/andy-warhol-foundation-for-the-visual-arts-inc-v-goldsmith/>.  Do you want to be on an announcement list for a Discussion Series event on the US Supreme Court opinion?  Registration is forthcoming for an announcement list<https://sites.google.com/umich.edu/oceancopyright/news/our-events-more?authuser=0>.



Carla Myers

Coordinator of Scholarly Communications

Miami University Libraries

151 South Campus Avenue, Room 303B

Oxford, OH 45056

O: 513-529-3935 | www.lib.miamioh.edu<http://www.lib.miamioh.edu/>

The information presented in this email is intended for informational purposes and should not be construed as legal advice.
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