[Michlib-l] (Prelude to) Preservation Week 2023

Gallo, Biz (MDE) GalloB at michigan.gov
Fri Apr 21 16:01:29 EDT 2023

The Library of Congress, Preservation Directorate is hosting four webinars this year for Preservation Week. Although Preservation Week officially starts April 30th we are offering events the week before. Monday through Thursday we will be presenting webinars every day at 11 am (EDT). On Friday April 28, the Library is hosting NEH and FAIC's Held In Trust National Convening onsite. For those interested in virtually attending this conference, please see the link below.

Mapping our Collections with Scientific Imaging, Monday, April 24, 11 am EDT
Presented by Eric Monroe, PhD., Head Scientific Laboratory Section, Preservation Research and Testing Division

Many people are unfamiliar with "imaging" in collections care and the various methods by which it can be applied. In our imaging of collections, we add more than a visual image of the library or heritage object, we go beneath the layers, and capture a range of information with various scientific instrumentation. Hear about some of our imaging techniques such as multispectral imaging, IRENE, and more. Register here for Mapping our Collections with Scientific Imaging<https://loc.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/4816812224758/WN_EwYjfTidTB2K54dRACJ2Ig>.

Assessing Collections for Space and Condition, Tuesday, April 25, 11 am EDT
Presented by Beatriz Haspo, Collections Officer, Collection Management Division

The Library of Congress struggles with storage space like any other institution. This webinar will discuss Preservation's efforts to create an integrated approach to space management and collection needs assessment for its vast collection. Register here for Assessing Collections for Space and Condition<https://loc.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/1916812228816/WN_isABwTwtSDWR2HsF1GSINA>.

Web Archiving at the Library of Congress: Preserving Internet History for Memory and Research, Wednesday, April 26, 11 am EDT
Presented by Senior Digital Collection Specialists Lauren Baker, Grace Bicho, and Chase Dooley

The Library of Congress Web Archive manages, preserves, and provides access to archived web content selected by subject experts from across the Library. Three experts from the Library's Web Archiving Program team will present an overview of web archiving, highlighting what web archiving is, who does it and why it is important, and how we approach preservation of web content at the Library of Congress using the United States Election Web Archive as an example. Register here for Web Archiving at the Library of Congress<https://loc.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/6816812230152/WN_9W4JSSOxQ_SOkKbJxZ39VA>.

An Introduction to the Conservation Internship at the Library of Congress, Thursday, April 27, 11 am EDT
Presented by Advanced Conservation Interns Meredith French, Veronica Mercado, Emily Mercer

The photograph, paper, and book sections in the Library of Congress Conservation Laboratory hosts advanced conservation interns from the Buffalo State University and the Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation. Book intern, Verónica Mercado, will present on the path students take to pursue art conservation, while photograph intern Emily Mercer and paper intern Meredith French will showcase treatments they are conducting at the lab. Register here for An Introduction to the Conservation Internship at the Library of Congress<https://loc.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/4716812233545/WN_Tpmges6IRzulgtGVLn6F9Q>.

All webinars will be recorded and posted on our website, this process usually takes 1-3 months. You can find all our past recordings here<https://www.loc.gov/preservation/outreach/presweek/index_presweek.html>.

Please request ADA accommodations at least five business days in advance by contacting (202) 707-6362 or ada at loc.gov.

Held in Trust National Convening
Friday, April 28

Held in Trust<https://www.culturalheritage.org/about-us/foundation/programs/held-in-trust> is a four-year cooperative agreement between the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation (FAIC) to evaluate the state of preservation and conservation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage in the United States. The Convening will be an exciting way to discuss the findings of the project, suggest future directions for the field, and outline the vision of a thriving, equitable, and just community of practice everyone has helped us create. For more information and registration click here<https://www.culturalheritage.org/about-us/foundation/programs/held-in-trust/national-convening>.


Amelia Parks
Preservation Education Librarian
Library of Congress
Washington DC
ampar at loc.gov
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