[Michlib-l] Favorite Wordpress Themes?

Melissa Adkins madkins at ecorse.lib.mi.us
Wed Aug 16 14:04:11 EDT 2023

Good Afternoon All, 
Since the departure of a staff member, I've taken a look at the backend of our website, and it's an utter mess. So many Frankensteined plug-ins, old pages, etc. In attempting to clean things up, I've also discovered that our theme is hard to edit and just not ideal. I plan to revamp the site, and am wondering if anybody has recommendations for a new theme in Wordpress that they find aesthetically pleasing and easy to edit. Any helpful tips or tricks are welcome; it's been a few years since I've done this kind of deep dive on transforming a website. 


Melissa Adkins (she/her) 
Library Director 
Ecorse Public Library 
4184 W. Jefferson Ave. 
Ecorse, MI 48229 
ecorselibrary at gmail.com 
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