[Michlib-l] Library Card Project

TDL Director director at tamaracklibrary.org
Fri Dec 1 11:43:22 EST 2023

 are working on a project of collecting as many library cards as we can 
to display. A way to show support for all libraries.  If you would be 
willing to send us one of your cards we would love to add it to our 
project.  If you want to share a little history of your library also we 
would love to include that with the card display.  Let me know if you have any questions. We look forward to getting your card.

Please send it to: 

Tamarack District Library

832 S Lincoln Avenue

Lakeview MI 48850

Thank you in advance,


Deanna Riggleman, Director

Tamarack District Library

832 S Lincoln Avenue

Lakeview MI 48850


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