[Michlib-l] UPDATED LINK for library director applications due Sunday

Kristin Fontichiaro font at umich.edu
Fri Dec 15 12:31:03 EST 2023

Hi, directors!

Here's the right link for applying to the community engagement and
strategic communications cohort: https://bit.ly/michiganpppl .

Sorry about that!

Kristin Fontichiaro
Clinical Professor
University of Michigan School of Information
4427 North Quad
105 S. State St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285
Blog <http://fontichiaro.com/activelearning> | Book an Appointment (school
year only)

Michigan Makers <http://michiganmakers.si.umich.edu> | Making in Michigan
Libraries <http://makinglibraries.si.umich.edu>
Data Literacy in High School <http://dataliteracy.si.umich.edu> | Public
Library Management MOOC
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