[Michlib-l] Fundraiser Concerns

Kaitlin Matesich kmatesich at benzieshoreslibrary.org
Wed Feb 1 10:49:07 EST 2023

 Hello all!

I was recently approached to offer my services as a Story Time presenter as
a biddable item for a local "Spring Fling" fundraiser. My first instinct
was, "I can easily put together a bespoke story time for 5-10 kiddos.
Offering literacy services as part of a fundraiser, what a great idea!" but
then the reality of the logistics and the idea of individuals paying for a
private library/librarian experience set in.

Has anyone had a similar experience? What did you, your library or your
friends group do?

Any suggestions for a literacy focused, biddable experience or item?

I don't feel comfortable offering "private" story time services outside of
the library setting, and would never want to go to an individual's
residence to host a story time. The idea of "selling" a story time or even
allowing someone to pick a theme for a program that would be open to the
public doesn't sit right (if it is even legal) .

*Kaitlin Matesich*
*Youth Services Coordinator*
*Benzie Shores District Library*
*630 Main St.  Frankfort, MI*
My Pronouns: She/Her - See www.mypronouns.org to learn more*.*
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