[Michlib-l] U.P. Notable Books Club Announces 2023 Meet-the-Author Events

Victor R. Volkman victor at LHPress.com
Thu Feb 16 16:18:29 EST 2023

Please feel free to recommend these events to your patrons!  Any 
questions?  Reply to president at uppaa.org

      U.P. Notable Books Club Announces 2023 Meet-the-Author Events

*Official Seal of the U.P. Notable Books 
local authors has great informational and educational value and 
contributes toward cultural enrichment. Continuing into their 4th year 
of book selections,*the U.P. Notable Books Club *is hosting a series of 
discussions with authors of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula to engage 
community members with local authors. All residents of Michigan are 
invited to participate with no cost or obligation.  To date, 25 authors 
have already appeared in the program and their appearances can be 
replayed on the*http://video.UPPAA.org* 

 >From March 9, 2023 to January 11, 2024 nine new authors will do Zoom 
talks with readers. These events will reveal new background details as 
well as answering live reader questions about their work. Readers can 
buy these nine books, or check them out from their local library in 
order to discuss with the authors. Many are available in eBook editions 
at the Great Lakes Digital Library thanks to the efforts of Superiorland 
Library Co-op. Authors participating in the upcoming fourth year include:

  * /The Big Island; a Story of Isle Royale /
    Julian May and John Schoenherr
  * /North of Nelson: Stories of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula/
    – Hilton Everett Moore
  * /We Kept Our Towns Going: The Gossard Girls of Michigan’s Upper
    Peninsula /
    – Phyllis Michael Wong
  * /Dissecting Anatomy of a Murder/
    – Eugene Milhizer
  * /Shipwrecked and Rescued, Cars and Crew: The City of Bango/r
    – Larry Jorgensen
  * /Dorothy is Moving Mountains, a True Story
    – /Dorothy Paad and Matthew Forgrave
  * /The Biting Cold/
    /– /Matthew Hellman
  * /Superior Voyage/ anthology
    – Marquette Poet's Circle, Ed. by Rick Rastall
  * /Cady and the Birchbark Box: A Cady Whirlwind Thunder Mystery/
    /– /Ann Dallman

The complete event schedule is available online at www.UPNotable.com 
click on the "Join Book Club" button

“What inspires me the most about our club is the positive feedback from 
local authors and patrons alike,” says Evelyn Gathu, Director of the 
Crystal Falls District Community Library, who is the creator and 
organizer of the club. “After every book club meeting we have, I get 
emails from patrons thanking me for creating the club.” She tells that 
the library circulation has definitely increased because of the book 
club, indicating an increased love of reading the works of local authors 
in the community.
Portraits of Dorothy Paad, Eugene Milihizer, and Phyllis Michael Wong
*UP Notable Books Club 2023 authors: Dorothy Paad, Eugene Milihizer, 
Phyllis Michael Wong*
Why local authors are less read, on the whole, than those widely 
publicized in mainstream media seems a matter of presumption or 
prejudgment. And Gathu agrees:

    “I think some people do not believe that books written by local
    authors are as good as those produced nationally, and this book club
    is really helping to deflate that stigma!”

She tells that she had read in the local paper that the first ever U.P. 
Notable Books List was created by the editors of the /U.P. Reader/ and 
UPPAA (Upper Peninsula Publishers & Authors Association) in January 
2020. This led her to contact UPPAA President, Victor R. Volkman, and he 
was thrilled with the idea of local authors interacting with the readers 
in the community. More information about the U.P. Notable Book list, 
/U.P. Book Review/, and UPPAA can be found at www.UPNotable.com 
*UPPAA Logo - click here to visit 
the Upper Peninsula Publishers and Authors Association (UPPAA)*
**Established in 1998 to support authors and publishers who live in or 
write about Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, UPPAA is a Michigan nonprofit 
association with more than 100 members, many of whose books are featured 
on the organization’s website at www.uppaa.org 
UPPAA welcomes membership and participation from anyone with a UP 
connection who is interested in writing and publishing books.
*# # #*


Victor R. Volkman, President
L H Press Inc.
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