[Michlib-l] One Seed, One State Registration is open!

Pam Quackenbush pquackenbush at ltpl.org
Wed Jan 11 14:26:25 EST 2023

Hello! The MI Seed Library Network is happy to announce that registration
is now open for the 2023 One Seed, One State initiative. Our selection this
year is 'Grand Rapids' lettuce, a great garden plant with a Michigan
Connection! Our apologies for cross-posting as we roll out this information
to various listservs and mailing lists in an effort to reach all interested
As many of you know, the MI Seed Library Network operates entirely on
donations. MSLN has plenty of seeds to distribute, but this year we are
asking that participating seed libraries "donate" by printing out their own
posters, brochures, seed packet labels, and make or purchase their own seed
packets. We realize that not every seed library has the resources to do so,
and there is an option on the registration form to request these items. We
do not want anyone to feel like they can't participate because they do not
have the items available - we will make sure you have what you need for a
successful program.
Files for the forms will be sent via email when the seeds are shipped to

Seeds will be shipped beginning late January, but we are a very small crew
and can only ship a certain number of kits per week. You will have them in
plenty of time to publicize the program before planting time begins in
March or April. Some of the materials are still being prepared, but the
color poster is ready now and is attached to this email.

Individual seed libraries please register using this form:

New this year is the ability to register multiple libraries. Some library
systems prefer to receive and handle OSOS materials for their branch seed
libraries at a central location. If this works for you, have one designated
person apply for all the branches using the following registration form:
If you want each branch to handle their own One Seed, One State materials,
have each branch register as an individual seed library.

The Central Michigan Seed Swap in Midland will be held on February 25. If
you will be attending, there is an option on the registration form if you
would like to pick up your seeds at the swap. For more information visit

As always, please direct your questions to info at miseedlibrarynetowrk.org.
There is also a comment section at the end of the registration form if
there is anything additional you feel we should know.

Thank you for your participation in the MI Seed Library Network's One Seed,
One State!
Pam Quackenbush
MI Seed Library Network
Lyon Township Public Library (LTPL Grows!)

Pam Quackenbush
Lyon Township Public Library
27005 Milford Road
South Lyon, MI 48178
248-437-8800 ext 617
pquackenbush at ltpl.org
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