[Michlib-l] New Documents for June 2023

Bruce Sarjeant bsarjean at nmu.edu
Thu Jul 6 10:54:50 EDT 2023

Good Morning.

A list of new documents has been posted to the GODORT of Michigan wiki.  Of
noet for this month:

Planned in Plain Sight: A Review of the Intelligence Failures in Advance of
January 6th, 2021.
Reviewing the 2020 Census: local perspectives in Michigan.
Michigan Public Service Commission’s Summer Energy Outlook for 2023.
The prevalence of the "natural" claim on food product packaging.
Wellness Toolkit. Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity.
>From Slip Law to United States Code: A Guide to Federal Statutes for
Congressional Offices.


Bruce Sarjeant (pronouns: *he, him, his*)
Reference, Documents & Maps Librarian
Lydia Olson Library
Northern Michigan University
1401 Presque Isle Ave
Marquette, MI  49855
(906) 227-1580
bsarjean at nmu.edu
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