[Michlib-l] Books up for grabs

Betsy Myers mmyers at tadl.org
Mon Jul 17 11:40:12 EDT 2023

The titles listed in the link below were book club kits we just weeded.  In
a perfect world, one person will email me and say, "I will take them all!".
But...more realistically, email me with what you would like (with your
RIDES code).   I will *try* and update the list as we go so you can see
what is left. Each title is a quick catalog link if you need to jog your
memory about a title or two. There are a couple that go out to Goodreads
because (gah!) I neglected to order them for the regular collection.  But
enough about my mistakes...

Ready to choose your titles? Click *HERE

*Betsy Myers*
Reference Department
Interlibrary Loan/Programming
*Traverse Area District Library*
610 Woodmere Ave
Traverse City, MI  49686
231 932-8502
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