[Michlib-l] Video Game Vendors

Syntha Green syntha.green at baldwinlib.org
Tue Jul 25 15:07:14 EDT 2023

It's been about a year since I purchased video games (someone else has them
now) but Ingram has them and https://crimsoninc.com/ and regardless of
where you purchase them, the Crimson Inc company does a great monthly
newsletter that lets you know what is releasing each month.

On Tue, Jul 25, 2023 at 10:36 AM Emily Peoples via Michlib-l <
michlib-l at mcls.org> wrote:

> After many, many requests from young patrons, we have started to revive
> our video game collection. For those of you who have one, where do you
> buy your games and why? We are currently using Amazon, but I'm wondering
> what vendors may be out there. I will gladly compile answers for anyone
> interested.
> --
> Emily Peoples
> Children's Librarian
> Romeo District Library
> emilyp at romeodistrictlibrary.org
> 586-752-0603 ext. 1034
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Syntha Green
She, her
Youth Services Librarian
Baldwin Public Library
300 W. Merrill St.
Birmingham, MI 48009

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