[Michlib-l] Program Recommendation

Autumn Smith smith at blissfieldlibrary.org
Mon Jun 19 11:44:44 EDT 2023

Greetings friends!
 We just had an amazing program from Mr. Evan at Music at the Blissful and 
I wanted to share our experience for anyone looking to book an amazing 
children's music program for next Summer. Evan started his performance with 
a warm up to get all the kids comfortable. He even learned all of their 
names and referred to them by name throughout the entire show. Evan was 
very skilled at readjusting as needed to accomodate the group of very young 
children. One toddler started to get fussy and within 30 seconds, Evan had 
switched gears and rengaged the fussy toddler and we were back to smiles! 
Evan engaged our most reluctant little patrons and encouraged them to let 
loose and have fun and even made the older siblings feel welcomed, special 
and important.

We also got great patron feedback on this program as well.
 Here's his webiste for more information:
  Autumn Smith
 Assistant Director
  The Schultz-Holmes Memorial Library
 407 South Lane Street
 Blissfield, MI 49228
 517-486-3565 (fax)
 Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

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