[Michlib-l] Library Millages on the May 2nd Ballot

Hamlin, Joseph (MDE) HamlinJ2 at michigan.gov
Wed May 3 14:51:15 EDT 2023

Hello Everyone,
Congratulations to Dorothy Hull Library, Tecumseh District Library, and Vermontville Township Library on their successful millage campaigns!  If your library had a millage on the ballot yesterday, please let me know so I can continue to maintain the Michigan Public Library Millage Results available for your use on the Library of Michigan's website<https://www.michigan.gov/libraryofmichigan/-/media/Project/Websites/libraryofmichigan/For-Libraries/Administration/Statistics/Michigan-Public-Library-Millage-Results-2010-to-November-2022.pdf?rev=e32ec5ae6f414dffb4c448316dbc92b1>.

Vote Date
Library Name
Millage Rate
Renewal, Increase, or New
Yes votes
No votes
Takes effect

Thank you,

Joseph Hamlin
Library Data & State Aid/Penal Fines Coordinator
Library of Michigan
702 West Kalamazoo St.
P.O. Box 30007
Lansing, MI 48909-7507
Ph: 517-335-1501
Email:  hamlinj2 at michigan.gov<mailto:hamlinj2 at michigan.gov>
URL:  https://michigan.gov/libraryofmichigan

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