[Michlib-l] CSLP Newsletter: May 2023

Lancaster, Cathy (MDE) LancasterC5 at michigan.gov
Thu May 18 16:28:20 EDT 2023

View this email in your browser<https://mailchi.mp/df879791d6fa/cslp-newsletter-august-6271501?e=c18caf2bb6>

A Note from Our Mystery National Summer Reading Champion
Hi Everyone-
I'm so excited to be partnering with CSLP to promote summer reading! I come from a long line of book lovers (my mom was a librarian!). Summer nights, cuddled up with my mom or grandmothers and a book are some of my most precious memories. I can't wait to encourage other kids to do the same- to dig into the pages of their first chapter book, get lost in a picture book or pick up their first earlier reader and let their imaginations take them away!
All Together Now is a beautiful testament to what I hope books can do for us all: connect and encourage acceptance of many different types of people.
I'll be back with more on May 22nd with more information. Thank you for all the work you do to promote understanding and encourage kids to read not just over the summer, but all the time!

The CSLP National Summer Reading Champion will be announced next week! Watch the TODAY Show on NBC between 8:00-9:00 AM on Monday, May 22 and look for an email with all the special details!

Meet CSLP's New Executive Director

Dawn Krause
Hometown: Rochester, NY
Currently live in Manhattan, KS (Manhappiness!)
Degrees: MLIS UT Austin and MA Human Resources Development, UT Tyler

Someone please pinch me because I can't believe I landed such a wonderful position with CSLP!  I am over the moon with excitement to get to know all the collaborators, to work with this dynamic board and to have a hand in serving all the library staff that tirelessly deliver outstanding summer programming to their communities.  I've passed the two decade mark as a professional librarian, but have also enjoyed some experiences with membership driven organizations in academia.  As the Manager of Continuing Education & Consulting at the Texas State Library, where we produced the Texas Reading Club for over 50 years, I know first-hand how much work goes into producing quality summer programming.  Being heavily involved with the Kansas Library Association, I understand the importance of volunteer power and keeping our work relevant to stakeholders.  I hope my varied experiences, skills in program management and energy will help the board move the CSLP forward.  This is such a unique non-profit with the gift of collaboration at the heart of it.  I am priveleged to be here with you - and for you.

In my personal life, I'm married to my high school sweetheart.  I have 3 mutts to keep me company in my new home office and I enjoy reading (of course!), traveling, gardending and making pottery.  When I say reading, I mostly listen to audiobooks because I love being told stories.  I was both a public and school library fixture when I was growing up as a latchkey kid.  I read through so many Black Stallion books as a horse crazy fifth grader!   Some of my greatest influences provided me with access to stories to dream big and that's what you all do on the daily - and during summer reading.  I'm thrilled to be a part of that.  I'd love to hear from you, so please reach out to me at dawn.krause at cslpreads.org<mailto:dawn.krause at cslpreads.org>.


Headed to Chicago for ALA in June? Don't miss a chance to visit with CSLP!


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