[Michlib-l] Last Chance - registration closes soon!

Kate Pohjola Andrade kate at woodlands.lib.mi.us
Mon Nov 6 16:27:51 EST 2023

 Space is still open for our upcoming True Colors Workshop on *Friday,
November 17, 2023* at the Albion District Library. Snag your spot today.
Share this with your staff and bring everyone!

*Details & Registration*:

True Colors provides a fun and easy to remember way for the participants to
explore their own and their co-workers' distinctive personality traits.
The participants learn to respect and appreciate those differences in the
ways people function. This translates into better work relationships,
improved teamwork and more communication.

True Colors can help you:

   - Identify your color spectrum
   - Distinguish between your strengths, values, joys and motivations
   - Gain insight into what makes others tick… as well as what ticks them
   - Recognize the commonalities and differences of personality styles

 True Colors' lively and interactive programs provide the keys to success.
Participants in this workshop will establish a firm foundation in the
knowledge and language of True Colors which will:

   - Recognize the values, joys and strengths, stressors and frustrations
   of each color
   - Learn how to develop positive self-esteem in self and others
   - Learn why all teams need all four colors
   - Understand how to communicate and relate with others of different True

Join us for a great day!

Kate Pohjola Andrade <https://namedrop.io/katepohjolaandrade> (she/her/hers)
Woodlands Library Cooperative <https://woodlands.lib.mi.us>
517-629-9460 / 586-801-0725 - cell/text
*No Reservation Recommendations* <https://nrr.ninja>: your source for
colleague-approved vendors!
Schedule a meeting <https://doodle.com/bp/katepohjolaandrade/meet-with-me>
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