[Michlib-l] Harper Woods Library Millage - Success!

Lance Werner LWerner at kdl.org
Wed Nov 8 15:06:58 EST 2023


Lance Werner
Director, Kent District Library
616-784-2007<tel:616-784-2007> // lwerner at kdl.org<mailto:lwerner at kdl.org>

On Nov 8, 2023, at 2:21 PM, Jennifer Dye via Michlib-l <michlib-l at mcls.org> wrote:

Congratulations! That is a great margin! Good job!❗

Jennifer Dye
Detroit Public Library

jdye at detroitpubliclibrary.org

Knapp Branch
13330 Conant
M, W, S 10-6
Tu, Th  12-8
Detroit, Michigan 48212
From: Michlib-l <michlib-l-bounces at mcls.org> on behalf of Glenn Fischer via Michlib-l <michlib-l at mcls.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2023 2:03 PM
To: B. Kristen Valyi-Hax <valyihak at libcoop.net>
Cc: Michlib-l <michlib-l at mail2.mcls.org>
Subject: Re: [Michlib-l] Harper Woods Library Millage - Success!

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of Detroit Public Library. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Congratulations! That's a wonderful margin to get at the polls.

Glenn Fischer (he/him)
Library Director | gfischer at dewittlibrary.org<mailto:gfischer at dewittlibrary.org>
Phone: 517-668-7081 | dewittlibrary.org<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2fdewittlibrary.org%2f&c=E,1,eMZmMjGLnDi1bbzkVuuDM5Zm73b0ewtqzTDxwTviBUndu5JIfbbR6L0bIknfylSuygZ7rLFA-N4yUf-Y6oRAcUM4ckxkFUfsgT0Iuyn_6K_ZBno_IBlUSQ,,&typo=1>


On Wed, Nov 8, 2023 at 1:50 PM B. Kristen Valyi-Hax via Michlib-l <michlib-l at mcls.org<mailto:michlib-l at mcls.org>> wrote:
I'm thrilled to announce that the Harper Woods Public Library millage
renewal passed with an 80% approval by the voters (Yes-1304, No-316)! We
are grateful for the support from our community and I'm so proud of all
the hard work that the library staff and board does on behalf of its

B. Kristen Valyi-Hax
Harper Woods Public Library
19601 Harper Ave.
Harper Woods, MI 48225
313-343-2127 (fax)

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