[Michlib-l] Registration open for Panel Discussion: Future applications of AI in creating and managing library metadata

Mary Ruthko ruthkom at mcls.org
Thu Oct 12 15:20:30 EDT 2023

Panel Discussion: Future applications of AI in creating and managing library metadata (virtual)
October 24, 2023
1:00-2:30 p.m. Eastern (noon-1:30 Central)
Register now at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwoce2vqj8pG9eAsxW7zOfucfRgv8zfxUZ2

Join MCLS’s Linked Data Users Group for our virtual fall All-Users Meeting. A panel will discuss potential benefits and pitfalls of using artificial intelligence and machine learning in the library data ecosystem. With experimentation and use of these new technologies reaching the library world, we’ll explore the implications of their use on cataloging and metadata, and how linked data will connect.

Panelists include:
Philip E. Schreur, Deputy University Librarian, Stanford University Libraries.
Caroline Saccucci, Chief of the U.S. Programs, Law, and Literature Division at the Library of Congress.

Bring your questions; a Q&A will follow. Learn more about LDUG at https://www.mcls.org/engagement/linked-data-users-group/

Mary Ruthko (she/her)

Marketing and Communication Coordinator
Midwest Collaborative for Library Services
ruthkom at mcls.org<mailto:ruthkom at mcls.org>


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Schedule a meeting with me<https://outlook.office.com/bookwithme/user/82504839b07649009896aaa10a3d2395@mcls.org?anonymous&ep=signature>
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