[Michlib-l] Youth & Teen Services Updates

Lancaster, Cathy (MDE) LancasterC5 at michigan.gov
Fri Oct 27 13:22:44 EDT 2023

Save the Dates
Registration will open soon for the following webinars from the Library of Michigan, supported in part by the Institute for Museum and Library Services:

  *   Tuesday, January 23rd, 2-3:30pm ET - Join us LIVE for Little Books, Big Feelings with The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Art. (Limited registration only for those who can attend LIVE, this will not be recorded)
  *   Thursday, February 1st, 2-3:00pm ET - Zoo Science Adventures! Join the Detroit Zoo as we discuss fun ideas for 2024's Adventures Begin at Your Library summer programs. (Will be recorded)
  *   Thursday, February 22nd, 2-3:30pm ET - Summer Library Programming Round Table. Bring your ideas, materials, and plans to share with others across Michigan on all things Summer Library Programming for early childhood, school-age, and teens. (Will not be recorded, so join us LIVE!)
  *   Date TBD - Adventures in Summer Marketing! Learn some tips and tricks to marketing your summer library programs, plus some special materials to use. (Will be recorded)

Hopefully, everyone had successful summer programs with support from READsquared. As some libraries might be planning winter programs, READsquared wanted to share their post-program recommendations: https://portal.readsquared.com/r2kb/Article.aspx?id=10106 and instructions for importing new programs: https://portal.readsquared.com/r2kb/Article.aspx?id=10149<https://portal.readsquared.com/r2kb/Article.aspx?id=10149%0d>
This program is supported in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
It's Children's Book Week Nov. 6-12!
Hundreds of schools, libraries, and bookstores will be holding special reading hours, and we have cool free bookmarks<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0014_VXlFcIq-aGp1rRX1yP89Ap2CZ2vLPHJ8t9c1-pfUwNQ0a4VDPYmvyZt7-i9_VAeFBKBCukLGpbSVR9S_eTwIBCZpB_pgUFM0E881k3kHeH-Hl6oDhkyl7R33C1q0NM7hMI8SvhaBl6edks5aigmPGb8HfpUhX7g6osepygdY6GNh0mVWQp2w==&c=pl2AAX1UBskH6W_p95vhA65KevTB11LL8XnUfI_whYwCR4E1kdcHYw==&ch=jjKF0uDQJdtEL2v4U7tz52RyoecpFUIstBQk58MWG4ziEJbCxad1og==> available to download, a very useful Educator's Kit<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0014_VXlFcIq-aGp1rRX1yP89Ap2CZ2vLPHJ8t9c1-pfUwNQ0a4VDPYmrJAOAGzrXsm2-Zh7AzJA_UwODoiUXKMULtTKNS_MYCK-9umSApdxvr_U0w-ZKkDQaW02cfox9F_jinarjsXi7bn2a_zebJi3J55Wei04ZEwEcApNog4ifz_bIVKDKTCMfTsszOz4iKq&c=pl2AAX1UBskH6W_p95vhA65KevTB11LL8XnUfI_whYwCR4E1kdcHYw==&ch=jjKF0uDQJdtEL2v4U7tz52RyoecpFUIstBQk58MWG4ziEJbCxad1og==> with lots of ideas for events, and more<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0014_VXlFcIq-aGp1rRX1yP89Ap2CZ2vLPHJ8t9c1-pfUwNQ0a4VDPYmrJAOAGzrXsmR_DP24RhstH0ltgq8uLO0Eg1aS6Eoei4I4IpzsQWMvlyZOlJACOtEB4xt0969DmTyckkIlTr4Q2R-mkn2Yx6og3E3qsLOLfb509TO6VchzKQOEtBDGUgOw==&c=pl2AAX1UBskH6W_p95vhA65KevTB11LL8XnUfI_whYwCR4E1kdcHYw==&ch=jjKF0uDQJdtEL2v4U7tz52RyoecpFUIstBQk58MWG4ziEJbCxad1og==>.

Take Your Child to the Library Day - 2024
Take Your Child to the Library Day<https://takeyourchildtothelibrary.org/>, an international celebration that encourages families to take their children to their local public library. Take Your Child to the Library Day is held annually on the first Saturday of February. To celebrate, libraries across the country and around the world welcome families with programs, activities, and special events. Since 2011, more than 1,735 libraries have participated, serving 56.54 million people and drawing attention to the importance of the library in the lives of children.
Last year, the Take Your Child to the Library Day team launched a new public-facing website: takeyourchildtothelibrary.org<https://takeyourchildtothelibrary.org/>. The site features information about Take Your Child to the Library Day and the benefits of libraries for children, including an interactive map for families to find a participating library near them. Coming soon is a librarian resource page with information and tools to make participating even easier.
We are asking for libraries across the country to register and participate.
Participation is completely customizable - it can be as simple as handing out bookmarks, or as elaborate as a full day extravaganza. Registration is simple and free through this form<https://forms.gle/NV9TyfWMa2FmiU6x7>. When libraries register, they'll be placed on the map<https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1vrANMe1XODWA6rgJZB46u-l7uhotOMs&usp=sharing> for their community to find. Libraries can get information and inspiration from these short videos:

  *   How to register<https://www.wevideo.com/view/3174758007>
  *   Planning your events<https://www.wevideo.com/view/3174716878>
  *   Making a publicity plan<https://www.wevideo.com/view/3184666578>
  *   We are held a brief info session<https://youtu.be/DetX69XaBjc?si=0jI0w0R4sktraCz9> on Thursday, October 19.
Take Your Child to the Library Day is coordinated by the Connecticut Library Consortium<https://www.ctlibrarians.org/> along with co-founder Caitlin Augusta of the Stratford (CT) Library.

Ready Now: Supporting Youth and Families During Crisis
Would you like to build community relationships? Do you want to be ready for crises that may affect youth and families in your community? If so, you'll want to consider participating in the University of Maryland led Ready Now: Supporting Youth and Families During Crisis initiative. Ready Now expands on work that took place in 2020 during the height of the pandemic and led to the publication of Library Staff as Public Servants: A Field Guide for Preparing to Serve Communities in Times of Crisis<https://yxlab.ischool.umd.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Field-Guide-2021-Final.pdf> (fondly known as The Field Guide). The Field Guide outlines four Essential Tasks that libraries and their staff need to embrace to serve historically marginalized youth and families successfully.
The Ready Now project team is now recruiting library staff from across the United States to join in on the IMLS-funded next phase of the initiative. Participating library staff will benefit from the opportunity to:

  *   Build strategies for working with community partners in support of historically marginalized
youth and families

  *   Gain knowledge of how to prepare, with community partners, for crisis situations
  *   Attend a series of participatory design training sessions to gain skills in community
engagement, co-creation, iteration, and re-imagining systems and structures,

  *   Design materials for use by others across the US working to serve their communities during
Staff from five libraries across the United States will be selected to work with their state library agency to participate in year one of this initiative. A $2000 stipend to use in support of learning about community and building crisis related services will be provided for selected libraries. Project activities for selected library staff begins in January of 2024. Learn more by registering for our information session<https://umd.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIpceCrpjwoGdFiFW6AlD1cPpU3T_NIcCtZ#/registration> on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 at 3PM Eastern. If you have any questions, contact the Ready Now team at: readynow at umd.edu<mailto:readynow at umd.edu> and visit our website<https://readynow.ischool.umd.edu/> to learn more about us.
In the News...
How to talk to your children about conflict and war<https://www.unicef.org/parenting/how-talk-your-children-about-conflict-and-war> - UNICEF
Scholastic Apologizes, Will Discontinue Optional Set of Diverse Titles at Book Fairs<https://www.slj.com/story/Scholastic-Apologizes-Will-Discontinue-Optional-Set-of-Diverse-Titles-at-Book-Fairs> - SLJ, 10/25/23
Last chance to register!
Transforming Teen Services
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Monday, November 20, 2023 - at the Library of Michigan<https://libraryofmichigan.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/libraryofmichigan/event.jsp?event=3052>
702 W. Kalamazoo St., Lansing, MI 48915
Join the growing LM cohort of Transforming Teen Services as we explore YALSA's core concepts of "Connected Learning" and "Computational Thinking," discuss how public libraries are already using it, and how to implement it in library communities.  Discussion will center on the use of these practices to support equity in youth programming.  Breakouts will further best practices regarding trending topics related to teen services. Participants are encouraged to bring examples of their work with teens and discussion questions!
Registration<https://libraryofmichigan.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/libraryofmichigan/eventList.jsp> is limited, lunch will be provided.

These workshops are made possible by grant funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) administered by the State of Michigan through the Library of Michigan.

Wishing you a great weekend,
Cathy Lancaster
Youth Services Coordinator
Library of Michigan
702 W. Kalamazoo St.
Lansing, MI 48915
My Pronouns: She/Her/Hers - See www.mypronouns.org<http://www.mypronouns.org/> to learn more.
LancasterC5 at michigan.gov<mailto:LancasterC5 at michigan.gov> | 517-335-8129 | www.mi.gov/libraryofmichigan<http://www.mi.gov/libraryofmichigan>
Follow us: Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/libraryofmichigan/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/libraryofmich> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/libraryofmichigan/>
Join the MiYouth<http://mail2.mcls.org/mailman/listinfo/miyouth> Listserv, created for Michigan public library staff to share and discuss children and teen programming and services.

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