[Michlib-l] UP Notable Book Club presents a Q&A session with Larry Jorgensen about "Shipwrecked and Rescued" a tale of bravery in the U.P.'s worst weather

Victor R. Volkman victor at LHPress.com
Fri Oct 27 14:36:14 EDT 2023

      UP Notable Book Club presents a Q&A session with Larry Jorgensen
      about "Shipwrecked and Rescued" a tale of bravery in the U.P.'s
      worst weather

*Official Seal of the U.P. Notable Books 
UP Notable Book Club:* The Crystal Falls Community District Library in 
partnership with the U.P. Publishers & Authors Association (UPPAA) has 
scheduled author events with winners of the /UP Notable Book List/. The 
32nd event is with historian Larry Jorgensen who will take us through 
the amazing rescue of "The City of Bangor" which crashed near Eagle 
Harbor at the tip of the Keweenaw peninsula in 1926.  He calls it a 
"double rescue" because the lifesaving crew from Eagle Harbor were on 
their way to save another ship and crew when they accidentally spotted 
"The City of Bangor" fetched up on the ice.

/*When: */November 9th, 2023 at 7 pm Eastern / 6 pm Central
/*Where: */*Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID:* 810 6058 3495*
Passcode: *bangor

*Portrait of author Larry Jorgensen 
<https://shipwreckedandrescued.com/>LARRY JORGENSEN *first became 
fascinated with Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and its unique history while 
writing and reporting for television news in Green Bay. However, his 
journey into that world of news had begun much earlier in northern 
Wisconsin where he worked while in high school for the weekly newspaper 
in Eagle River. Later he was employed by a newspaper publisher in 
Milwaukee, and then on to radio and television news in Texas and 
Louisiana, along with wire service and freelance assignments. During all 
those years he looked forward to return visits to the Keweenaw 
Peninsula. It was during one of those visits Larry discovered the tale 
of the wreck of the “City of Bangor”. It was learning of that 
little-known event that resulted in his decision to create this written 
account that he hoped to share the story of one of Lake Superior’s most 
unusual shipwrecks.

Shipwrecked and Rescued book cover here 
"Had not the lifesaving crew from Eagle Harbor happened to see the crew 
struggling on shore while they were on their way to another rescue; had 
not the crew had the stamina to continue their 36-hour struggle from the 
place where they ran aground several miles east of Copper Harbor; had 
not the people of Copper Harbor, especially the Berg family (who had 
little enough food for the winter) shared their home and provisions with 
the starving, hypothermic crew, the death rate could have been catastrophic.
Also in vivid detail, we read the story of how the cars were salvaged 
and removed from the ship due to the efforts of many people throughout 
the Keweenaw Peninsula to plow a road where there wasn’t one, to 
transport gasoline to the cars, drive them several at a time to Copper 
Harbor, open the road to Calumet working from both ends, drive the cars 
to Calumet to be loaded on a train back to Chrysler for repairs and 
restoration, all of which took several months. The fact that there were 
no deaths and almost all the vehicles were rescued, makes this 
particular shipwreck one of the most unique in the annals of Lake 
Superior. "
-- Read the full review on /U.P. Book Review/ 

More information about the U.P. Notable Book list, /U.P. Book Review, 
/and UPPAA can be found on www.UPNotable.com <http://www.UPNotable.com>

*<https://uppaa.org>About the Upper Peninsula Publishers and Authors 
Association (UPPAA)*
Established in 1998 to support authors and publishers who live in or 
write about Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, UPPAA is a Michigan nonprofit 
association with over 100 members, many of whose books are featured on 
the organization’s website at www.uppaa.org 
UPPAA welcomes membership and participation from anyone with a UP 
connection who is interested in writing.
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Victor R. Volkman, President
L H Press Inc.
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