[Michlib-l] zv020 (Bad Axe) - MeL packing request

Briynne McCrea bmccrea at badaxelibrary.org
Thu Sep 7 11:50:27 EDT 2023

Thank you everyone!  Bad Axe should be all set on packing envelopes.

Briynne McCrea
Bad Axe Area District Library

Phone: 989.269.8538
Email: bmccrea at badaxelibrary.org<mailto:bmccrea at badaxelibrary.org>

From: Briynne McCrea
Sent: Thursday, September 7, 2023 10:22 AM
To: michlib-l at mcls.org
Subject: zv020 (Bad Axe) - MeL packing request

Good Morning,

Bad Axe (zv020) could really use some medium and large packing envelopes if anyone has some to spare.  Thanks so much!

Briynne McCrea
Bad Axe Area District Library

Phone: 989.269.8538
Email: bmccrea at badaxelibrary.org<mailto:bmccrea at badaxelibrary.org>

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