[Michlib-l] Youth & Teen Services Updates

Lancaster, Cathy (MDE) LancasterC5 at michigan.gov
Fri Sep 15 12:24:48 EDT 2023

Collaborative Summer Library Program's 2026 Slogan, 2027 Theme

This week at the Collaborative Summer Library Program's Annual Meeting our CSLP state reps voted their states' choices for 2026 program slogan and 2027 program theme. The winners are:

  *   Slogan for the 2026 dinosaur theme will be "Unearth a Story."
  *   Theme for the 2027 program will be Mystery / Detective / Suspense.

Thank you for all for your feedback on the CSLP slogan/theme poll and giving me direction for Michigan's vote at the CSLP annual meeting. BTW it was noted that the 2026 slogan, "Unearth a Story" is coincidentally a pretty good segway for additional programs on the US Semiquincentennial<https://america250.org/> throughout 2026. CSLP plans to compile some resources for libraries on this topic for 2026, in addition to Dinosaurs.

In the coming weeks, the CSLP 2024 "Adventure Begins at Your Library" program manual will be released (early October) and the CSLP storefront will open (early October), so look for an email sent directly to library directors from me with manual codes in early October, or complete this form with your official work email to be notified directly<https://forms.gle/8x3TgMQZshgNYFYA6>. Meanwhile, enjoy this sneak peek<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QMtDHHOrz1yWqJGy4mFxuyPt8DSOIWQ6/view?usp=sharing> at the 2024 artwork! (not for sharing with your public yet!)
Thank you to all who volunteer for CSLP committees<https://www.cslpreads.org/join-a-cslp-committee/> (call for 2024 volunteers is open through Oct 3rd) and those who take the time to respond to my inquiries and our surveys. Together we create some fabulous summer library programs!

MiYouth Recap
Ideas & resources for Banned Books Week and Video Game collections from this past Monday's MiYouth can be found in our shared notes<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Irabz6Dx6M98F7TjrCLQh7B2q8Cl1L7v1888-1zx0s4/edit?usp=sharing>, including links to the MeL and TALK resources. Thanks to all who attended and shared out!
Getting Started with Mindfulness: A Toolkit for Early Childhood Organizations<https://www.zerotothree.org/resource/getting-started-with-mindfulness-a-toolkit-for-early-childhood-organizations> from ZERO TO THREE.

Meet STEM Picture Book Author and Founder of Let's Engineer! Sheryl Haft
September 28, 2023 4:00 PM Pacific / 7:00 PM Eastern
Are you looking for new girl-centered STEM picture books and activities? Join NGCP for an exciting meet-and-greet event with Sheryl Haft,  Founder of Let's Engineer! and the author of the new book Mazie's Amazing Machines.<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001MUghgc7QgAH0NcBJf5R3u6fLgxeAsvWfMOkq_a8NQ4sqjY7hGwwu4-TRrMI8b3XwP1Ay5dLYTbczhUkiqVqjQPiGYVLSoY7jG14YGv2CMCVRDQRsoOqHng3UDfyv8_-7ZHFI6gPYqJARDB6HnFOBpt6W8O4xR4TQ4a6KIG1cramU4EZMVFiJMqLnu95bflqPXfuolZdXblUeaeNY7H-yu-9-G6-lVCD72kDikbuW3ep_jZ1hnjtltDiyQkR0SjTXCSrqKSelkylZjbwhBN3BcjD5Sh5g0AgAzWfVwXBQkc7GUADm48RsXXDM03fYaP7LYZBM2UrBJvifKRtOiBx0S8FUZcAj84IEYQuPAJy4ulfHH0ziBqHw7BXZMVkpO5_vxdbcXR5Sa-rzmsUC0ksN5p7TxwYRoE7Mukotq1ixses=&c=Pnf1zXLARnTpJN8ExV_suVmiJ9g76IyHI8WcZ-tALW6dpSWmeoqTKA==&ch=wvBKhCu9TbEq8esWMGxi0n5bEOMMzKN4z3Kx1jBw9i4YJaLtM9ZwEw==> Leave this event with ideas for activities and discussion prompts to inspire girls - and all young children - in engineering!
Upcoming LM Youth Services Workshops
Ready to Read Michigan Presents:
Growing Early Literacy Skills for Parents, Caregivers, and Early Childhood Educators
10:00 am - 4:00 pm ET
Tuesday, October 3, 2023 - at Plymouth District Library<https://libraryofmichigan.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/libraryofmichigan/event.jsp?event=3053>
Thursday, October 5, 20223 - at KDL's Kentwood Branch<https://libraryofmichigan.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/libraryofmichigan/event.jsp?event=3058>

The Library of Michigan invites you to join "Mother Goose on the Loose," Betsy Diamant-Cohen, as we explore The Ready to Read Michigan Parent & Early Childhood Educator Toolkit. The programs in the toolkit are designed for library staff to host throughout the community, engaging and modeling early literacy practices to parents, caregivers, and early childhood educators. Betsy will equip library staff with the information, skills, and ready-to-use tools to promote early literacy through your library, copies of the toolkit will be provided.
This RTRM training will start with an introduction/refresher on the how, what and why's of early literacy skills and best storytelling practices. Then we will transition to cover the workshops in the Ready to Read Michigan Toolkit, which are designed specifically for library staff to easily facilitate with parents and caregivers with children ages 5 and under. Lastly, participants will address the important role played by Early Childhood Educators in the development of children from birth to age five, using familiar tips and tools on how to conduct a two-part workshop for Early Childhood Educators at your library, supported by the materials produced by Ready to Read Michigan<https://www.readytoreadmi.org/home>.
Registration<https://libraryofmichigan.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/libraryofmichigan/eventList.jsp> is limited, lunch will be provided.

Leap into Science
10:00 am - 1:00 pm ET
Thursday, November 2, 2023 - at the Library of Michigan<https://libraryofmichigan.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/libraryofmichigan/event.jsp?event=3051>

The Detroit Zoological Society and the Library of Michigan are excited to announce the return of Leap into Science training for public libraries. Participating public libraries will receive information and training on what you need to run the Leap "Light & Shadow," "Wind," and "Balance" based STEM programs.
Leap into Science is a nationwide program developed by The Franklin Institute Science Museum that integrates open-ended science activities with children's books, designed for children ages 3-10 and their families. The program empowers educators to offer workshops in community settings like libraries, museums, and out-of-school time programs to engage underserved audiences in accessible and familiar settings. Attending this training would make you a Partner Organization in our on-going Michigan Cohort. Registration<https://libraryofmichigan.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/libraryofmichigan/eventList.jsp> is limited.

Transforming Teen Services
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Monday, November 20, 2023 - at the Library of Michigan<https://libraryofmichigan.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/libraryofmichigan/event.jsp?event=3052>

Join the growing LM cohort of Transforming Teen Services as we explore YALSA's core concepts of "Connected Learning" and "Computational Thinking," discuss how public libraries are already using it, and how to implement it in library communities.  Discussion will center on the use of these practices to support equity in youth programming.  Breakout sessions will further best practices regarding trending topics related to teen services. Participants are encouraged to bring examples of their work with teens and discussion questions!
Registration<https://libraryofmichigan.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/libraryofmichigan/eventList.jsp> is limited, lunch will be provided.

These workshops are made possible by grant funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) administered by the State of Michigan through the Library of Michigan.

Wishing you a sunny weekend!
Cathy Lancaster
Youth Services Coordinator
Library of Michigan
702 W. Kalamazoo St.
Lansing, MI 48915
My Pronouns: She/Her/Hers - See www.mypronouns.org<http://www.mypronouns.org/> to learn more.
LancasterC5 at michigan.gov<mailto:LancasterC5 at michigan.gov> | 517-335-8129 | www.mi.gov/libraryofmichigan<http://www.mi.gov/libraryofmichigan>
Follow us: Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/libraryofmichigan/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/libraryofmich> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/libraryofmichigan/>
Join the MiYouth<http://mail2.mcls.org/mailman/listinfo/miyouth> Listserv, created for Michigan public library staff to share and discuss children and teen programming and services.

The Michigan School Meals program allows for all public school students, grades Pre-K to 12, to eat breakfast and lunch for free. Learn more<https://www.michigan.gov/mde/services/food/michigan-school-meals>.
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