[Michlib-l] Summer Quest for teens

MiLibrary Quest milibraryquest at gmail.com
Mon Apr 22 13:45:22 EDT 2024

Hello, Michigan Librarians!

Your library is invited to participate in the Summer 2024 MiLibraryQuest
for teens.  It is SUPER easy for a library to participate.  You only need
to publicize the event to your teens (using promotional materials we have
designed or your own) and award a prize (of your choice - very small is
fine!) to one participant from your library.

Recent Quests have had between 110 and 175 teens from across the state
submit entries.

The Summer Quest will be in the format of an escape room which can be
solved entirely online or as an in-person event at your library.  Teens
will solve a series of challenges (logic and math puzzles, math, riddles,
etc.) to determine the location of a new Camp Half-Blood.

It is designed to tie in to the CSLP’s theme of Adventure Begins at Your
Library and interest in Percy Jackson.


Summer Quest will begin on June 19 and end on July 31

All you have to do as a participating library is:


   Promote the event to your teens (Promotional templates will be provided
   by the Quest team.)

   Award at least one prize to a teen from your library who completes the
   Quest (The prize can be as small or as big as you choose. Examples of what
   other libraries have awarded are in #8 of our FAQs here

OPTIONAL things your library can do:


   OPTIONAL: If you would like to have a part of the Quest on your website,
   you can sign up to have a clue on your library’s website.

   OPTIONAL: You can host an in-person program for teens to solve the Quest.

Libraries can sign up to participate here (https://bit.ly/QuestSignUp2024)
by May 15. If you want to be one of the libraries who posts a unique clue
on your library’s website, you’ll need to sign up prior to May 1.

Teens will:


   Access the Escape Room on the MiLibraryQuest website.

   Complete the Quest (on their own or with friends) either online or
   in-person at a library.

   After completing the Quest, fill out the online form provided by the
   Quest to enter to win a prize from their local library.

Additional information is in the FAQs here:

If your library would like to participate, please sign up by May 15 (May 1,
if you’d like to have a clue on your website) here:

If you have any questions, please email MiLibraryQuest at gmail.com.

A little history:

Following library closures in spring 2020 and a shift to virtual
programming, a group of librarians from throughout the state began meeting
to collaborate on virtual teen programming.  We created MiLibraryQuest, a
virtual scavenger hunt, for all teens throughout the state as a summer
event. We have now offered seven Quests with more than one-fourth of
Michigan libraries systems and hundreds of teens participating.

Current Quests maintain the virtual option and include in-person options
now that we are back to in-person programs at our libraries.

We hope you will be a part of MiLibraryQuest this summer!

The Quest Team
Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/MiLibrary-Quest-101788845136786> ~
Instagram <https://www.instagram.com/milibraryquest/> ~ Website
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