[Michlib-l] Program vetting

Deb Hemmye dhemmye at hwoodslib.org
Tue Apr 23 17:08:20 EDT 2024

Thank you to all who responded to my request for written policies regarding library programming. Almost no one does although several suggested having a phone conversation with new presenters and/or checking out their website if they have one. I've attached the policies from the two libraries who do have one. 

I'm also happy to report that the presenter who was a "concern" to one of our city council members, turned out to be great! His presentation was straightforward and very engaging - no God talk, no "come to my Synagogue" stuff - nothing but excellent folktale storytelling. Although I will adapt these two policies just to say we have one, this experience confirms for me that a phone call or two with some explanation about what a library programs is and isn't, and a look at their professional website (not FB page), is more than adequate. 

Thank you all for responding! 

Deb Hemmye 
Library Director 
Huntington Woods Public Library 
26415 Scotia Road 
Huntington Woods, MI 48070 
248-543-9720, ext. 686 

From: "Deb Hemmye" <dhemmye at hwoodslib.org> 
To: "Michlib" <michlib-l at mcls.org>, "all-tln-request" <all-tln-request at lists.tln.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 5:08:45 PM 
Subject: Program vetting 

Hi all, 

Do any of you have written policies regarding what kinds of programs you will allow and how your vet your presenters? I'm referring to library programs, not rentals. If someone approaches you about doing a program at the library, whether free or for a fee, how do you vet them? Do you have something in writing that your staff can follow in order to ascertain whether or not the individual or group is worth having? 

If you're curious, this is why I ask: tomorrow we are having a special children's storytime called Jewish Folktales (we have a very high Jewish population in the two communities we serve). A Rabbi reached out to us and said that he does storytelling as a side hobby (he's free) and would love to do some storytelling for us at the library. When one of our city commissioners (we are a municipal library) saw the posting, she became very concerned because, according to this commissioner, the Rabbi belongs to an "ultraconservative, proselytizing Jewish sect" and she is questioning our willingness to have a program leader who did not come recommended and who, in fact, reached out to us. And that's where we're at. 


Deb Hemmye 
Library Director 
Huntington Woods Public Library 
26415 Scotia Road 
Huntington Woods, MI 48070 
248-543-9720, ext. 686 

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