[Michlib-l] CSLP Newsletter: April 2024

Lancaster, Cathy (MDE) LancasterC5 at michigan.gov
Mon Apr 29 17:23:54 EDT 2024

I believe CSLP will send out a correction tomorrow to note that links to the PSA is now available in the online manual under the "PSA" tab.
Thank you,
Cathy Lancaster
Youth Services Coordinator
Library of Michigan
702 W. Kalamazoo St.
Lansing, MI 48915
My Pronouns: She/Her/Hers - See www.mypronouns.org<http://www.mypronouns.org/> to learn more.
LancasterC5 at michigan.gov<mailto:LancasterC5 at michigan.gov> | 517-335-8129 | www.mi.gov/libraryofmichigan<http://www.mi.gov/libraryofmichigan>
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From: Michlib-l <michlib-l-bounces at mcls.org> On Behalf Of Lancaster, Cathy (MDE) via Michlib-l
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2024 3:18 PM
To: miyouth at mcls.org; michlib-l at mail.mcls.org
Subject: [Michlib-l] CSLP Newsletter: April 2024

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Smokey Bear is our champion! And CSLP PSAs are here!! Read on...
View this email in your browser<https://mailchi.mp/c5c37f4ea08b/cslp-newsletter-august-6725342?e=c18caf2bb6>

 2024 CSLP Summer Reading Champion - Smokey Bear!

In honor of the 80th Birthday of Smokey Bear, CSLP has partnered with the USDA Forest Service to appoint Smokey as the 2024 Summer Reading Champion (https://www.cslpreads.org/nationalsummerreadingchampion/<https://cslpreads.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=043a7515ceb3ad45bdd2dd405&id=0274f9741e&e=c18caf2bb6>). Many libraries across the US are engaging their communities using the Smokey Bear Readding Challenge this year, with materials provided by USDA Forest Service. The Smokey Bear Reading Challenge Toolki<https://cslpreads.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=043a7515ceb3ad45bdd2dd405&id=7777163af8&e=c18caf2bb6>t<https://cslpreads.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=043a7515ceb3ad45bdd2dd405&id=ad17566ab6&e=c18caf2bb6> is free and available to all libraries online. As Summer Reading Champion, Smokey will be be providing a #SmokeyReads campaign that will include the launch of social media challenge for the public to post pictures of themselves reading with Smokey in their favorite "adventurous" spot, and short PSAs of people reading with Smokey, as well as a couple of videos featuring Forest Service officers reading with Smokey. CSLP is thrilled to be able to team-up with such a famous figure for the 2024 Summer Reading Champion, and we look forward to hearing from our libraries on how they engage their communities using Smokey Bear.


Incorporate Spanish Language Content into Your Summer Reading Program

Want to promote Summer Reading and Learning to Spanish speakers in your library community? The CSLP online manual has an entire section of Spanish Language program content that is available and ready to use for outreach and promotion for "Adventure Begins at Your Library" this summer!

View the recently added recording of "How to Incorporate Spanish Language Content into Your Summer Reading Program" on the NY State Library archived Youth Services webinars<https://cslpreads.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=043a7515ceb3ad45bdd2dd405&id=0b1617c07b&e=c18caf2bb6> page. This March 8 Summer Reading Lunch and Learn session was presented by Deborah Kinirons, Bilingual Community Outreach Librarian at Uniondale Public Library, and Amy Olson, Youth Services Consultant at the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives.  Deborah is also the chair of the CSLP Spanish Language manual committee.

You can also view additional Summer Reading Lunch and Learn sessions from this year and previous years on the archived Youth Services webinars<https://cslpreads.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=043a7515ceb3ad45bdd2dd405&id=319b8eb497&e=c18caf2bb6> page. Feel free to reach out to Sharon Phillips, NY State Library Youth Services Program Manager at nyslyouth at nysed.gov<mailto:nyslyouth at nysed.gov> if you have any questions.


PSA Now Available for "Adventure Begins at Your Library"

Summer is the time for adventure! And just in time for summer programming kick-offs we are happy to announce the official Collaborative Summer Library Programming PSA is now available! Share the PSA with local media, across your social media channels, with local partners, and display them in your library. The main PSA, available in both English and Spanish, is a 30 second video with a tagline that you can load and launch as-is. Additionally, there is a "clean slate" version available for brief customization at the end, should you want to add your library's logo and event information. CLSP is also offering short segments pulled from the original for use on social media. New this year is an animated "poster" of one of our graphics, which can be displayed on a computer screen or display monitor to promote summer reading within your library.


Partner Spotlight

CSLP developed a new partnership with Baker & Taylor in order to facilitate our member library's ordering of materials from our Adventure Begins at Your Library book list (available in our manual here<https://cslpreads.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=043a7515ceb3ad45bdd2dd405&id=fed46aee8b&e=c18caf2bb6>).  If your library is  a Baker & Taylor customer, they offer summer prize books as well.  Get in touch with our contacts there to view the list of CSLP-themed titles to use for your giveaways at a 45-50% off discount. Email Sara Shepard at sara.shepard at baker-taylor.com<mailto:sara.shepard at baker-taylor.com> or Grace Larochelle at grace.larochelle at baker-taylor.com<mailto:grace.larochelle at baker-taylor.com> for details.


Adventure Partner


More than ever, the role of libraries is particularly important in helping children learn and thrive through reading. Make sure your library's summer reading program is the best it can be with the new CSLP Adventure Begins at Your Library Brag Tags. Proven to increase summer reading participation!

"These Brag Tags are bringing in new patrons. Kids are telling their friends about the Brag Tags and those kids are dragging their parents to the library so they can earn their own brag tag collection. Best marketing tool I've found!" - Marcy P, Sawyer Community Library

"Thanks to your wonderful Brag Tags and ball chains, our Summer Reading Program more than doubled! Thank you. You have made my job so much easier, gone are the days of worrying about reading participation."  - Carolyn, Public Librarian

"Our young borrowers cannot read their books fast enough to qualify for the next Brag Tag in the series. This is the best gift incentive we have offered." - Anne  S., Public Librarian

Click on the images below to shop!


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Copyright (c) 2024 Collaborative Summer Library Program, All rights reserved.

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