[Michlib-l] Young adult book stumper

Maren Kroening mkroening at cityofwarren.org
Fri Aug 16 14:14:36 EDT 2024

This really sounds like An Assassin’s Guide to Love and Treason by Virginia Boecker except for its 2018 copyright.

But I feel like there was another very similar book waaay back WHEN I was in high school (2000-2004), so I wonder if you put the above title into NovelList (which excels at pulling up very aged YA books, sigh) it might find your patron’s book?

Good luck!

Maren Kroening (she/hers)
Branch Librarian
Maybelle Burnette Branch
Warren Public Library

On Aug 16, 2024, at 11:43 AM, Elizabeth Dekkinga via Michlib-l <michlib-l at mcls.org> wrote:

This might be an option, The Course of All Treasons by Suzanne M. Wolfe https: //www. penguinrandomhouse. com/books/612114/the-course-of-all-treasons-by-suzanne-m-wolfe/ Main Character is named Nicholas, "Nick" and he's an Elizabethan
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This might be an option, The Course of All Treasons by Suzanne M. Wolfe


Main Character is named Nicholas, "Nick" and he's an Elizabethan Spy, don't know if he joins the company of Shakespeare though.

Hope this helps!

On Fri, Aug 16, 2024 at 11:26 AM Colleen Kingsbury via Michlib-l <michlib-l at mcls.org<mailto:michlib-l at mcls.org>> wrote:
Hello all,

I could use a little help from the librarian hive mind! A patron approached me with a book stumper yesterday, and I've had no luck searching on my own. She is looking for a book she checked out from her high school library (so we're looking at a 2011 or earlier publication date) about a boy who works as a spy and joins Shakespeare's play company. It was historical & spy fiction without any magical elements, and she remembers a section at the back of the book with spy codes. She insists this book was not from Gary Blackwood's Shakespeare Stealer series.

Some other details she believes she remembers:

  *   The book had a red cover, and prominently featured the protagonist (potentially holding a sword) -- she described the cover as having a very quintessentially 2000s design.
  *   She believes the main character was an orphan, and his name may have started with an N.
  *   The story takes place in London and Queen Elizabeth plays into the plot somehow.

I appreciate any potential leads, and thank you for your time!
Colleen Kingsbury
Teen Services Librarian, Plymouth District Library
223 S Main Street | Plymouth, MI 48170
734-453-0750 ext. 271 | plymouthlibrary.org<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://*20www.plymouthlibrary.org/__;JQ!!EC1703MNmna-qQ!Zja5KDccJFh3l1LMjtCl1UezsV6FeZGleiViUwuwgAhKExqO7W96RFsmKJu9KYiKhFOpdHxfrlMjUw1LGMv4ijw$>
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Address: 104 E. Main St. Fremont, MI 49412

Phone: (231) 924-3480


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