[Michlib-l] January is Braille Literacy Month : Programming Ideas from BTBL

Wambaugh, Stephanie (LEO) WambaughS at michigan.gov
Tue Dec 17 08:24:49 EST 2024

This is your yearly heads up that Braille Literacy Month begins January 1st!

In preparation and celebration, we wanted to provide you some fun programming ideas you can do in your library in the New Year. For the activities listed below, please email me directly at wambaughs at michigan.gov<mailto:wambaughs at michigan.gov> and I will provide you with the PDFs that you can print at your library (the files are too large to attach in the listserv).

  1.  NLS Fun with Braille activity sheet

  1.  Write Your Name in Braille activity

  1.  Using glue or puffy paint to write your name in braille, instead of slate and stylus- Examples: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/259238522292649299/ or https://www.pinterest.com/pin/910571618385462134/

  1.  Crack the Code activity

  1.  A Facebook post about Braille Literacy Month- please tag us @MichiganBTBL!

  1.  Storytime highlighting Louis Braille, a character with a visual disability, characters with glasses, characters with white canes, etc.

  1.  Adult book club or Netflix miniseries discussion about All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

  1.  Braille Lego Lab<https://legobraillebricks.com/>

For more information on BTBL, visit our website<https://www.michigan.gov/leo/bureaus-agencies/bureau-of-services-for-blind-persons/btbl> or follow us on Facebook @MichiganBTBL<https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100081670844611>.
Thank you,
Stephanie Wambaugh, Librarian 12
Team Lead and Outreach Services
Michigan Braille and Talking Book Library (BTBL)
Bureau of Services for Blind Persons
P.O. Box 30007
702 W. Kalamazoo St.
Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: 1-800-992-9012
Fax: 1-517-284-2885
wambaughs at michigan.gov<mailto:wambaughs at michigan.gov>

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