[Michlib-l] Livestream today at 2pm: ALA President Emily Drabinski at U-M

Kristin Fontichiaro font at umich.edu
Tue Feb 6 11:30:48 EST 2024

Hi, everyone --

The U-M School of Information is excited to host ALA president Emily
Drabinski for a talk this afternoon from 2-3:30pm. You can grab the
livestream link here
Hope you’ll join us! Kristin

*Talk Title: What's Critical About Critical Librarianship?*

*Emily Drabinski *Associate Professor, Queens (NY) College Graduate School
of Library and Information Studies, and President, American Library

Critical librarianship interrogates the past, present and future of
normative library systems, asking both how they came to be as they are and
how they might be made different. Whose ways of knowing are embedded in our
cataloging and classification schemes? What stories do our collections tell
about what matters in the world? This seminar will address these questions
in the context of the current spate of attacks on libraries and librarians
across the country. How can #CritLib help us win the world we want?

*Speaker bio*
Emily Drabinski is associate professor in the Queens (NY) College Graduate
School of Library and Information Studies. She serves as 2023-2024
president of the American Library Association.

Support provided by the William W. Bishop Lectureship Fund.

Kristin Fontichiaro
Clinical Professor
University of Michigan School of Information
4427 North Quad
105 S. State St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285
Blog <http://fontichiaro.com/activelearning> | Book an Appointment (school
year only)

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Libraries <http://makinglibraries.si.umich.edu>
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