[Michlib-l] ALA announces 2023 Best Graphic Novels for Adults and Children

Daniel Patton dpatton at detroitpubliclibrary.org
Tue Feb 13 15:12:33 EST 2024

Good day all,

The American Library Association Graphic Novels and Comics Round Table (GNCRT) have finalized their Adult and Children's lists of the Best Graphic Novels of 2023. Please see the two press releases below for links to the lists and information about nominating books for the 2024 lists. Cheers!  -DP

2023 Best Graphic Novels for Children Announcement<https://www.ala.org/news/member-news/2024/02/2023-best-graphic-novels-children-reading-list-announced-graphic-novels-comics> <https://www.ala.org/news/member-news/2024/02/2023-best-graphic-novels-children-reading-list-announced-graphic-novels-comics>

2023 Best Graphic Novels for Adults Announcement<https://www.ala.org/news/member-news/2024/02/graphic-novels-comics-round-table-announces-2023-best-graphic-novels-adults>

Daniel Patton (he/him)
Adult Librarian
(313) 481-1764
dpatton at detroitpubliclibrary.org

Detroit Public Library
Jefferson Branch
12350 E. Outer Drive<https://maps.app.goo.gl/Pcv2CobHLgQL3GEw5>
Detroit, MI 48224<https://maps.app.goo.gl/Pcv2CobHLgQL3GEw5>
(313) 481-1760

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