[Michlib-l] Library Carpeting - Compiled Answers

Bret Boulter bboulter at tadl.org
Mon Feb 26 13:25:10 EST 2024

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback; it was a gold mine of
information! All responses are compiled in the attached PDF, with this

   - Carpet tiles are consistently recommended. If you get extras you can
   replace them as needed.
   - Library Design Associates has equipment which can move shelving
   without removing the books. They also have designers available.This is an
   incredible resource, recommended several times.
   - Shaw Construction out of Livonia, MI also gets a recommendation.
   - You may or may not need an RFP process depending on your situation. If
   you need to do an RFP and don't have experience, think about retaining a
   project management company.
   - Break it into stages if necessary/possible, and keep patrons informed
   throughout the entire process, using pictures, displays, social media, and
   - If breaking into stages, try to make the divisions at logical places
   between shelving areas.
   - If staying open during the process, expect long hours!

Thanks again to everyone who contributed, I can't imagine proceeding
effectively without all this valuable input.

Best regards,
Bret R Boulter
Facilities Manager
Traverse Area District Library
bboulter at tadl.org
231-932-8522 (desk)
231-409-9656 (mobile)

*Currently reading "**The Art of Logic in an Illogical World" **by Eugenia
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