[Michlib-l] FOML 2023 Merit Award Winners

suejohnson at mi.rr.com suejohnson at mi.rr.com
Thu Feb 29 11:54:30 EST 2024

Apologies to Friends of Huntington Woods/Pleasant Ridge for the error in 
their name.
FOML is pleased to announce the following Merit Award winners for their 
work in 2023.

Category of Friends groups serving a population greater than 12,000:
Friends of Amy Van Andel established a quarterly rotating art exhibit in 
the Amy Van Andel Library to diversify the cultural amenities offered by 
the library, to draw additional patrons to the Library and to provide a 
venue giving local artists public exposure of their work.  They provided a 
detailed application laying our their plan for implementing this exhibit, 
including Friends, library staff and the community.

Category of Friends groups serving a population less than 12,000:
Friends of Huntington Woods/Pleasant Ridge Library held a Freedom to Read 
Fest.  The event focused on the right to read in a free society. The 
evening event included interactive activities, a banned books display, 
matching quotes to a banned book, banned books bingo, and a mugshot 
display to take a picture with the booking info "I read banned books." The 
goal was to provide awareness of book banning in Michigan libraries, The 
also sold Freedom to Read t-shirts which were a big hit.

Both Friends group winners will be at the FOML annual meeting to present 
their projects.  To attend register at 
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