[Michlib-l] Michigan Activity Pass: Outreach Update and BIG NEW MAP Partner Destination(s) Coming

Jim Flury jflury at tln.org
Thu Feb 29 12:15:56 EST 2024

Good Afternoon, 

I wanted to provide you with an update regarding some Michigan Activity Pass outreach activities, as well as a heads up concerning a BIG NEW MAP partner that we anticipate adding to the program in the very near future. 

On Monday, March 4 and Tuesday, March 5 I will be in Grand Rapids. MAP was invited by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to be an exhibitor at a DNR staff in-service event to be held there. This will provide MAP with the opportunity to interact with the 650 DNR staff members who will be in attendance at this event. This will include the distribution of "designed by DJ at TLN" MAP window clings for all DNR participating destinations to add to the admission booth at the entrance to their facilities. From time to time we've had reports of DNR seasonal staff not recognizing the MAP brand. It is our hope that the displayed MAP window cling will serve to alleviate any confusion with regards to that. 

Brigette and I staffed a MAP booth at the DNR Outdoor Adventure Center in Detroit on Sunday, February 11. 300+ people visited the OAC that day. While there Brigette and I talked to a person who expressed great interest in having their organization join the Michigan Activity Pass program. One thing led to another, and this soon to be new MAP partner has completed and submitted the required MAP destination questionnaire to us. There are still some tweaks that need to be made to the language contained in their "Terms of the Pass" (free admission), as well as the preparation of a customized description for each of their participating destinations (there are many). Once both of these tasks have been completed we will get them added to MAP, for a TBD go live date with the program. 

So WHO is this BIG NEW MAP partner? I'm not going to tell you😆 Not today, anyway. We've learned that it is best to have your MAP partners signed, sealed and delivered before making any official, specific participation announcement. This MAP partner is signed, and sealed. Now we just need to deliver them, pending the referenced in the above paragraph terms of the pass language tweaks, and creation of customized descriptive language for each venue. For now, know that in terms of the number of participating destinations, this MAP partner will be our second largest, after the DNR. 

Stay tuned! 

Finally, if you have cultural destinations in your library's service area that you believe would be a good "fit" for MAP, please provide them with a copy of the MAP destination participation questionnaire [ https://cdn.ymaws.com/tln.org/resource/collection/44340701-D4CD-4F33-88CF-4D13FF5F93DE/MAP_participation_destination_questionnaire.pdf | https://cdn.ymaws.com/tln.org/resource/collection/44340701-D4CD-4F33-88CF-4D13FF5F93DE/MAP_participation_destination_questionnaire.pdf ] 

Thank you for your continued support and promotion of the Michigan Activity Pass program. 


Jim Flury 
Technical Services Manager 
The Library Network 
41365 Vincenti Court 
Novi, MI 48375 
248-536-3100, ext 133 
Note New Fax Number: 248-716-5584 
Note New Email Address:jflury at tln.org 

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