[Michlib-l] Snow Day Question

Director director at indianriverlibrary.org
Mon Jan 15 11:01:11 EST 2024

Good morning everyone,

Last year, my Board set our Inclement Weather Policy to require both the
Director *and *one Board member to make the decision on whether or not the
library is closed. I am running into issues already, with differing
opinions from the Board members and they tend to judge the weather based on
whether or not they (as Board members) could make it to the Library, but
not taking considerations of staff safety into account.

How is your Inclement Weather Policy set up? Does the Director have full
authority to decide closings, or are your Board members involved in the
process? I appreciate any and all replies and will happily compile
responses and share out with the group if there's any interest.

Thank you,
Kelsey Rutkowski
*Library Director*
*Indian River Area Library*
3546 S Straits Hwy
PO Box 160
Indian River, MI 49749
(231) 238-8581
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