[Michlib-l] How is PTO set-up in your library by policy?

Tahquamenon Library Director tqdirector at tahquamlibrary.org
Mon Jul 15 08:11:04 EDT 2024

Hello fellow listers,

I was considering updating or changing how my library's PTO system works. I
am reaching out to see how other libraries have their PTO set-up. For
example how does an hourly employee accumulate PTO, is there a limit per
year for PTO accumulated, in what situations can PTO be used or is not to
be used and if PTO is not used in a Fiscal Year what is done with it? I
appreciate any insights on how your library's PTO policy works and what to
avoid in developing it.

Thank you,

Brian Freitag
Director Tahquamenon Area Public Library
700 Newberry Avenue
Newberry, MI 49868
tqdirector at tahquamlibrary.org
(906) 293-5214
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