[Michlib-l] Program Recommendation

Brian Johnston bjohnston at lincolnlib.org
Thu Jul 25 19:32:24 EDT 2024

Hi Everyone,

If you're looking for a fun program for all ages, consider Rusty Ammerman's Dimension of Illusion. We hosted him today and a great crowd with people from all age groups, and they had a great time! Rusty has performed for many libraries over the years all around the country and even the world.

If you want more information, visit his website:

Rusty Ammerman's Dimension of Illusion (magicmanrusty.com)<https://www.magicmanrusty.com/>


Brian R. Johnston
Adult Services Librarian
Lincoln Township Public Library
2099 W. John Beers Road
Stevensville, MI 49127
(269) 429-9575
bjohnston at lincolnlib.org
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