[Michlib-l] Wayne State SIS Career Fair (on behalf of Kim Schroeder)

Cathy Russ russcath at wblib.org
Fri Jun 7 11:17:08 EDT 2024

Sending on behalf of Kim Schroeder:

Hi Everyone,

SIS is again planning its annual career fair. We are looking for alum
speakers. Do you have an innovative program or project to share? Speakers
are asked to do a show and tell for about 10 minutes and then 5 minutes of
career advice. The program will be on Zoom. Public libraries will be
covered on Tuesday, June 18 and Academic and School will be Monday, June
17. We run during lunch time from 11:30 am to 12:45 pm.

Please email Kim with any questions or interest.

Kim Schroeder
Coordinator, Archival Program
Associate Professor of Teaching

Career Advisor
Wayne State University
School of Information Sciences
Faculty Advisor for National Digital Stewardship Alliance

ag1797 at wayne.edu
313 577-9783
Career Advising Page

Pronouns: she, her, hers
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