[Michlib-l] Join us for a Wayne State SIS Creatives Event

Christine Illichmann av8728 at wayne.edu
Wed May 1 17:21:18 EDT 2024

The Wayne State University School of Information Sciences has arranged a fun social event for students and alum!
We have a lot of people that come through SIS that write poetry, short stories, books, songs, etc.  We thought that it would be fun to host a SIS Creatives event where we could share our work together.
You can also just attend and enjoy the show!
Join us!

Saturday, May 11th at 5:30pm EDT online and in person mixer. Performances from 6pm until 8pm.

In-Person Venue: Book Suey in Hamtramck. Parking is on the street, so please leave time to scout out a parking spot.  If you aren’t aware of this wonderful community bookstore, here is their site:  Booksuey.com<https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FBooksuey.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0m2ZzZsMoe3_tHj6onE8SuGXQXMO8unxnJ517n4KBu_T3UMk-luxCm198_aem_Ac2FQaZEwAToiDPzM046N69G2h7x8Ds4of82b_at6ZF9n-BNEpFolr3Esuz0N7Y0Cz3DCftoyVapIgfanm23WNYi&h=AT0AOV597fBTk5MLTw-EUjsbyFBFzYoDYBeSb1cYPxpOeZqP93XFRieTVfpvFO5dzLmXtP7S30YfQBHRymwulnIn0qNxwVcqS45Em70CtvO0VjyEnl5ed9ukZ5iFG7Kkpw&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT322sqpBm3w3O7myMgl-5mLnyJc3gQRwFikvfhPA9IWHYc9a_NAr-LOkAgUK7jUs64osnGO-Cg0SH8J2Qfu8yfH6IHjXna7dxTJmVdzogMzNn2QuEXtQN4kKHoa8gQtFOZmRZ1udFFCQrA4R_O1Obf6fi8FKLR4UmtbqYs0Dq7IqFm_61Qo>

You are also welcome to observe or perform online.
We will email a Zoom link for those that RSVP as attending online!

Whether you'll be in-person or online please RSVP at:

Questions? Email Kim Schroeder at ag1797 at wayne.edu

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