[Michlib-l] Holocaust Days of Remembrance 2024

Margaret Lincoln mlincoln67 at gmail.com
Sun May 5 12:18:16 EDT 2024

This week (May 5-12) begins the 2024 Days of Remembrance
<https://www.ushmm.org/remember/days-of-remembrance>, our nation's annual
commemoration of the Holocaust, established by Congress to honor victims
and survivors.

The Days of Remembrance Commemoration will take place in the US Capitol's
Emancipation Hall on Tuesday, May 7 at 11:00 A.M ET.  The ceremony will be
livestreamed here

President Biden will be the keynote speaker
at this year's ceremony. The president's participation is especially
significant in today's environment of alarming antisemitism and Holocaust

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum <https://ushmm.org/> makes
resources <https://www.ushmm.org/remember/days-of-remembrance/resources>
available for groups planning to host such an observance including
suggested readings, poster sets, videos, sample proclamations and more.

As a retired school librarian and Holocaust educator, I continue to support
colleagues engaged in teaching this important and timely subject. I am glad
to provide an updated Holocaust Learning Resources list
<https://tinyurl.com/HolocaustResources2024> with information about other
Holocaust Remembrance observances taking place this month and throughout
the year.

The American Library Association also offers these resources for Holocaust
Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah)
<https://www.ala.org/aasl/advocacy/promo/Yom-HaShoah> A link is included to
the article Never a Bystander & Other Enduring Lessons for Holocaust
which I wrote for Knowledge Quest and which highlights the most inspiring
story of Holocaust survivor Dr. Irene Butter <https://www.irenebutter.com/>.

At age 93, Dr. Butter (who visited my community of Battle Creek, Michigan
in 2019) continues to be a true upstander, speaking regularly to students
and adults and reminding us to take action so as to bring about meaningful

Thank you for your interest and support.

*Margaret Lincoln, PhD*
Library of Congress Teaching With Primary Sources Network Mentor
I Love My Librarian Award (ALA 2008)
Lakeview Schools District Librarian (retired
Email: mlincoln67 at gmail.com <MLincoln67 at gmail.com>
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