[Michlib-l] fresh book club titles?

Deb Hemmye dhemmye at hwoodslib.org
Mon May 6 12:15:54 EDT 2024

Here are a few my book club and/or I have enjoyed: 

    * The Seedkeeper, by Diane Wilson (Native Americans - Dakota, historical fiction) 
    * Cantoras, by Carolina de Robertis (LGBTQ and the 1970s revolution in Uruguay) 
    * The Great Believers, by Rebecca Makkai (the AIDS crisis in the 1980s) 
    * Take My Hand, by Dolen Perkins-Valdez (1970s forced sterilization of women and girls) 
    * The Frozen River, by Ariel Lawhon (late 1700s mystery; midwifery vs. male doctors) 
    * Weyward, by Emilia Hart (1600s, WWII, and 2019. Witch trials, strong women.) 

Good luck! 

Deb Hemmye 
Library Director 
Huntington Woods Public Library 
26415 Scotia Road 
Huntington Woods, MI 48070 
248-543-9720, ext. 686 

From: "Michlib" <michlib-l at mcls.org> 
To: "Michlib" <michlib-l at mcls.org> 
Sent: Monday, May 6, 2024 10:28:25 AM 
Subject: [Michlib-l] fresh book club titles? 

Hi MichLibL, 

I’d love to get some of your suggestions for book club titles. Our current group is looking to expand their horizons. They tend to prefer literature without too many “four letter words”. Thanks for your collective suggestions! Mary 

Mary Jean Harrison 


Coloma Public Library 

151 W. Center Street 

PO Box 430 

Coloma Michigan 49038 


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The most important asset of any library goes home at night – the library staff. 

Timothy Healy 

Michlib-l mailing list 
Michlib-l at mcls.org 

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