[Michlib-l] Free used CD cases

Breandan Gunner gunner at blissfieldlibrary.org
Mon May 20 16:17:07 EDT 2024

All CD cases have been claimed! A big thank you to everyone who reached out!

Breandan Gunner

Administrative Services Coordinator

Schultz-Holmes Memorial Library

---- On Mon, 20 May 2024 13:30:54 -0400 Breandan Gunner <gunner at blissfieldlibrary.org> wrote ---

Hello all,

We have some used CD cases that we are hoping to find a new home for. We have three boxes worth, so we could send some to up to three libraries.

Please let us know if you would be interested in taking these!  

Thank you!

Breandan Gunner

Administrative Services Coordinator

Schultz-Holmes Memorial Library
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