[Michlib-l] TLN/Brodart BIBZ Statewide Collection Development Lists Project Now Live!

Jim Flury jflury at tln.org
Tue Oct 1 10:05:29 EDT 2024

Library cooperative directors, please feel free to share this email with your member libraries. Thank you. 


In collaboration with Brodart, TLN is pleased to announce today's, October 1, 2024 launch of the brand new, statewide, monthly collection development lists BIBZ project. The inaugural three lists, encompassing one of each of Adult Nonfiction, Juvenile/Tween Fiction and Nonfiction, Teen Fiction and Nonfiction, for October, 2024 are now available on the TLN website at this link: 

[ https://tln.org/page/bibz/ | https://tln.org/page/bibz/ ] 

Also, at the bottom of this email are individual links to each of the three lists, as well as to the Brodart produced "MI Basics of BIBZ" YouTube video. 

In order to maximize your library's experience with the new monthly collection development lists, we suggest you follow both of these steps: 

1. Complete and submit to our MI Brodart consultant Kim Langenderfer the BIBZ profile form that each interested library received via an individual email from Kim. If you did not receive the BIBZ profile form, please let either Kim or myself know. Kim is cc'd on this email. 

2. View the Brodart produced YouTube video at this link [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3zmBD1lztM | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3zmBD1lztM ] Brodart didn't give this video a name, but I think they would be okay with our calling it "MI Basics of BIBZ." 

Later today, each library that signed up for the statewide collection development lists project will receive a bcc email from my TLN colleague Corliss Jones, to notify them of the availability of the new lists. Corliss is cc'd on this email. 

Going forward, each library that has signed up will receive the above referenced bcc email from Corliss, every month. Timing wise, the new lists will be released during the week of the month that follows the first Friday of that month. 

Fun fact: I scribbled some numbers together late last week in an effort to come up with the number of these lists TLN/WOLF has produced since I was hired. The total was a bit over 1,300, going back to a time when a person named Ronald Reagan was President of the United States. And that only covers my timeline. The production of these collection development lists dates back to at least the early 1960's, if not earlier, when library personnel from Seattle were sufficiently impressed by what the then Wayne County Library was doing to pay a visit to the Wayne Service Center to marvel at such innovations such as centralized collection development lists, centralized delivery service, centralized cataloging and book processing, etc. 

As of this morning close to 90 libraries statewide have signed up for the new collection development lists project. And it's not too late for your library to do so! To sign up you can use the Contact Us form at the [ https://tln.org/page/bibz/ | https://tln.org/page/bibz/ ] link, or email Kim or myself. 

If you have comments concerning the content of the collection development lists (they are great, they are less great, they need more this, they need less that, etc.) I welcome those as well. 

Here are direct links to each of the three lists. These links will stay the same from month to month, with the new lists linked to them during the week that follows the first Friday of each month. 

[ https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.bibz2.com_ActItemDetailInit.do-3Flist-3D13980601-26campaign-3DTLN-2520Adult-2520NF-2520Selections&d=DwMGaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=Mt_PO-pKjc8cMrW7yixn7A&m=xUruM_4g3U91ocuDKxAzZZRo5AkK9Af53gGqG4o_J10kiX3XXJNlPdM7rKlnomeA&s=LSIYHHrGZOS1jQYXxVmQs-9VCwVwgC2W1IjEDoB5iYk&e= | TLN Adult NF Selections ] 

[ https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.bibz2.com_ActItemDetailInit.do-3Flist-3D13980601-26campaign-3DTLN-2520Adult-2520NF-2520Selections&d=DwMGaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=Mt_PO-pKjc8cMrW7yixn7A&m=xUruM_4g3U91ocuDKxAzZZRo5AkK9Af53gGqG4o_J10kiX3XXJNlPdM7rKlnomeA&s=LSIYHHrGZOS1jQYXxVmQs-9VCwVwgC2W1IjEDoB5iYk&e= | https://www.bibz2.com/ActItemDetailInit.do?list=13980601&campaign=TLN%20Adult%20NF%20Selections ] 

[ https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.bibz2.com_ActItemDetailInit.do-3Flist-3D13980603-26campaign-3DTLN-2520Juvenile-252FTween-2520Selections&d=DwMGaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=Mt_PO-pKjc8cMrW7yixn7A&m=xUruM_4g3U91ocuDKxAzZZRo5AkK9Af53gGqG4o_J10kiX3XXJNlPdM7rKlnomeA&s=mwpPgHgCq-qXjmktIX1FNra6xHHIJrwAVCM1o7HQYg0&e= | TLN Juvenile/Tween Selections ] 

[ https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.bibz2.com_ActItemDetailInit.do-3Flist-3D13980603-26campaign-3DTLN-2520Juvenile-252FTween-2520Selections&d=DwMGaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=Mt_PO-pKjc8cMrW7yixn7A&m=xUruM_4g3U91ocuDKxAzZZRo5AkK9Af53gGqG4o_J10kiX3XXJNlPdM7rKlnomeA&s=mwpPgHgCq-qXjmktIX1FNra6xHHIJrwAVCM1o7HQYg0&e= | https://www.bibz2.com/ActItemDetailInit.do?list=13980603&campaign=TLN%20Juvenile%2FTween%20Selections ] 

[ https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.bibz2.com_ActItemDetailInit.do-3Flist-3D13980607-26campaign-3DTLN-2520Teen-2520Selections&d=DwMGaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=Mt_PO-pKjc8cMrW7yixn7A&m=xUruM_4g3U91ocuDKxAzZZRo5AkK9Af53gGqG4o_J10kiX3XXJNlPdM7rKlnomeA&s=2pVu48vAtCE5gdOei31DYQr6Fg8Fsv7B0oZOSUnwaV0&e= | TLN Teen Selections ] 

[ https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.bibz2.com_ActItemDetailInit.do-3Flist-3D13980607-26campaign-3DTLN-2520Teen-2520Selections-2520&d=DwMGaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=Mt_PO-pKjc8cMrW7yixn7A&m=xUruM_4g3U91ocuDKxAzZZRo5AkK9Af53gGqG4o_J10kiX3XXJNlPdM7rKlnomeA&s=LOmIKyphOs3YDUwt0gkWdllfciTKB7Hqol3oB7xXkEk&e= | https://www.bibz2.com/ActItemDetailInit.do?list=13980607&campaign=TLN%20Teen%20Selections ] 

Here is a link to the Brodart produced "MI Basics of BIBZ" YouTube video: 

[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3zmBD1lztM | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3zmBD1lztM ] 

We hope MI libraries will find value in this new TLN/Brodart statewide collection development lists project. 

Please let me know if you have any comments or questions concerning this. 


Jim Flury 

Jim Flury 
Technical Services Manager 
The Library Network 
41365 Vincenti Court 
Novi, MI 48375 
248-536-3100, ext 133 
Note New Fax Number: 248-716-5584 
Note New Email Address:jflury at tln.org 

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