[Michlib-l] Upcoming Infopeople Courses - AI Literacy, Basic Spanish, and more!
Califa Group
califa at califa.org
Mon Sep 9 12:44:15 EDT 2024
Don't miss out on these upcoming learning opportunities from Infopeople.
View in browser<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDUyMzU3NDgyOTYsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiIyOTNiMzM1NzY3OTdhYzhlIn0>
[Califa + Infopeople, helping libraries think differently.]<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDUyNDA5OTExNzcsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiIzYmE2NWI3ZDM5YTFiNGE2In0>
Don't Miss These Upcoming Infopeople Learning Opportunities:
[Attending to Dynamics of Power When Facilitating Cross-Racial Conversations - an Infopeople course. September 10 to October 7, 2024. Instructors: Ismalis Nu?ez and Christine Saxman. Fee: $200. Cartoon drawing of a woman with brown skin and curly black hair talking to a white man with black hair.]<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDUyNDYyMzQwNTgsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiIwMWYyOGY1NzMwN2ViYmQ5In0>
Attending to Dynamics of Power When Facilitating Cross-Racial Conversations<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDUyNTA0MjgzNjMsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiJlZGNlNmMyZTE5YzgzZmJkIn0>
By the end of the course learners will:
* Cultivate an understanding of racial identity development
* Identify aspects of power in cross-racial relationship
* Explore core components of successful cross-racial relationship
* Cultivate core facilitation skills to navigate power in cross-racial conversations
[Learn More - Description: Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Learn More]
[Basic Spanish for Library Staff - an Infopeople course. Instructor: Nadia Rendon. October 15 to November 11, 2024. Fee: $200. A woman sitting on a stack of books working on a laptop with two chat boxes. One box says]<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDUyNTk4NjU1NTAsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiJmOGEwYjc2ZWExNzlkOWMwIn0>
Basic Spanish for Library Staff<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDUyNjcyMDU1ODQsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiI1ZTk3MDM3OWExMGFmZDNkIn0>
By the end of the course learners will:
* Develop basic skills to interact with Spanish speaking library users.
* Acquire library-specific vocabulary for effective communication.
* Gain cultural insights to better understand and connect with Spanish-speaking users.
* Feel confident in assisting users with language needs.
* Create a more inclusive library environment.
[Learn More - Description: Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Learn More]
[Working with Neurodivergent Patrons and Colleagues - an Infopeople course. Instructor: Dawn Behrend. October 15 to November 11, 2024. Fee: $200. A pair of noise cancelling headphones with a rainbow pattern and the infinity symbol for Autism Spectrum Disorder on the side.]<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDUyNzc2OTEzNDYsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiI0ZTgxM2E5NDg5ZjY0MDhiIn0>
Working with Neurodivergent Patrons and Colleagues<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDUyODE4ODU2NTEsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiI4ZTcxMDM3YTEzZjk1OWYxIn0>
By the end of the course learners will:
* Develop a better understanding of neurodiversity across the lifespan
* Implement neurodiverse affirming practices with neurodiverse patrons and co-workers
* Differentiate between a strengths-based approach and deficits-based approach to supporting neurodiverse individuals
* Apply universal design (UD) concepts to designing accessible library spaces and services
* Conduct a needs assessment to determine what barriers to accessibility may exist in your library environment.
[Learn More - Description: Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Learn More]
[AI Literacy for Library Workers - an Infopeople course. Instructor: Nicole Hennig. November 5 to December 23, 2024. Fee: $200. A woman giving instructions to a tablet device with a robot on it taking notes.]<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDUyOTEzMjI4NDEsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiI0NTQ5MzE4OGE2NDc5ZGMyIn0>
AI Literacy for Library Workers<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDUyOTY1NjU3MjMsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiI4MDZlODk0MmJjOGMwNWIzIn0>
By the end of the course learners will:
* Identify and describe the underlying technologies that power generative AI
* Select the best model for your task and craft effective prompts for them.
* Explain ethical issues, such as bias, deepfakes, and privacy.
* Effectively use data analysis, voice assistants, and computer vision.
* Use multimedia AI tools to generate images, video, music, and speech.
* Develop a list of reliable sources to follow for staying current.
[Learn More - Description: Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Learn More]
[Collection Development Using an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Lens, an Infopeople course. October 1 to October 21, 2023. Instructor: Mahasin J. Abuwi Aleem. Fee: $175. The bottom of the image features illustrations of a diverse group of people.]<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDUzMDYwMDI5MTAsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiI2YTY0NzkwYWMxODZjNGVjIn0>
Collection Development Using an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Lens<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDUzMTEyNDU3OTEsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiJhZWY5MDU2NmRkOGEwMmU1In0>
* Are you a library worker committed to supporting library collections that represent the needs, interests, and abilities of members of the community your library serves?
* Are you alarmed by the current trend of attempts to ban books from that have been written by or about people from historically marginalized communities?
* Do you want to understand how to apply and implement principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion to collection development policies and practices?
* Are you interested in exploring the complex, and often difficult questions that surround the application of the principle of Intellectual Freedom?
[Learn More - Description: Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Learn More]
[Library Supervision and Management- an Infopeople course. October 8 to November 18, 2024. LSSC-approved. Instructor: Heidi Dolamore. Fee: $200. A woman, holding a clipboard, is rating and reviewing an employee.]<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDUzMjA2ODI5ODAsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiJhZWQ4YWNjZjMyYTc1MWFlIn0>
Library Supervision and Management<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDUzMjU5MjU4NjEsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiIyZDE5YTllMTkzYThkODRkIn0>
By the end of the course learners will:
* Advance their knowledge of key management principles
* Develop practical skills they need to deal with day to day responsibilities
* Understand the organizational and community dynamics that impact their decisions as a leader
* Build confidence in their effectiveness as a supervisor
[Learn More - Description: Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Learn More]
[Technology in Libraries - an Infopeople Course. September 24 to November 4, 2024. LSSC-approved. Instructor: Diana Silveira. Fee: $200. Woman with a prosthetic leg working at a standing desk on a laptop.]<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDUzMzY0MTE2MjgsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiIwM2YzMDExYTA3YjkxMTNlIn0>
Basic Cataloging and Classification<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDUzNDI3MDMwODUsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiJhYmZkMzAyMjA2ZjY5Y2YyIn0>
By the end of the course learners will feel comfortable with the basics of cataloging, classification, and MARC records and be ready to begin copy cataloging items in a variety of formats.
[Learn More - Description: Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Learn More]
[Technology in Libraries - an Infopeople Course. September 24 to November 4, 2024. LSSC-approved. Instructor: Diana Silveira. Fee: $200. Woman with a prosthetic leg working at a standing desk on a laptop.]<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDUzNTMxODg4NDksXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiJjZTQ2MzUxNmVmODAwNzBjIn0>
Technology in Libraries<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDUzNTk0ODAzMDcsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiI4NTRlMjAzYzExZTBmZGE5In0>
This course covers:
* Common technologies and e-resources in libraries
* How to use technology to succeed
* Cybersecurity, privacy, and other current issues
* How to assist users with technology
* Innovative technology
* How to troubleshoot and learn new technologies on your own without being overwhelmed
[Learn More - Description: Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Learn More]
[Foundations of Library Services - an Infopeople course. September 24 to November 4, 2024. LSSC-approved. Instructor: Stephanie Chase. Fee: $200. A set of Lego building blocks with a library building on top.]<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDUzNzMxMTE4MDMsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiI1YzBhMDQ2MzUzMzc3NmE1In0>
Foundations of Library Services<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDUzODA0NTE4MzYsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiI0MGFjOWNjZDZiNGZkZTY1In0>
This course covers the basic principles of:
* Reference and information services
* Circulation, including interlibrary loan and collection maintenance;
* Cataloging and classification systems;
* Acquisitions and collection development.
[Learn More - Description: Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Learn More]
[Readers' Advisory Fundamentals: Books and Beyond - an Infopeople course. Instructor: Francisca Goldsmith. September 10 to October 21, 2024. LSSC-approved. Fee: $200. A man working at a computer while another gives him advice and speaks to him.]<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDUzOTMwMzQ3NTMsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiIxNjc5ZmJkZjI4NGI3ZDlkIn0>
Readers' Advisory Fundamentals: Books and Beyond<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDU0MDAzNzQ3ODgsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiI4NWQyOTRmMjJlOTlkYWIwIn0>
In this six-week online course, which satisfies all of the Library Support Staff Certification (LSSC) competency areas for adult advisory work, you will have the opportunity to learn and practice the interviewing, evaluation, and communication skills needed to provide your local community with access to satisfying leisure reading, listening, and viewing, and become acquainted with a variety of resources to help you build your advisory skills.
[Learn More - Description: Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Learn More]
[Children's Services Fundamentals - an Infopeople course. September 17 to October 14, 2023. LSSC-approved. Instructor: Penny Peck. Fee: $200. Three children sitting on the ground reading.]<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDU0MTI5NTc3MDYsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiJkM2M1OGJmZjhkODJmMDJiIn0>
Children's Services Fundamentals<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDU0MTcxNTIwMTEsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiJkNGM1N2MyYzhmZmY4MDExIn0>
In this course, participants will learn to:
* Conduct a reference interview to match grade-appropriate resources with a child's information need
* Determine children's reading interests, including those of reluctant readers, and find books to meet those interests
* Plan entertaining programs that attract families to the library
* Promote books and reading through programs and library tours
[Learn More - Description: Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Learn More]
Don't Like Deadlines?
Infopeople On-Demand
Infopeople On-Demand<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDU0MzE4MzIwODMsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiJiYTk4MTRmMDRjOWRmOGU2In0> means learning whenever, wherever. Jump into a topic and move at your own pace. Courses are always there when you need them.
No rushing. No deadlines. Just you and the learning.
[Find Your Next Course - Description: Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Find Your Next Course]
[Normalizing Discussions of Race with Children, an Infopeople On-Demand course. Instructor: Becki Loughlin. Fee: $100. A man kneels to talk to a young boy.]<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDU0NDIzMTc4NDcsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiIxN2EzOTFmNTQ1N2NlNGIzIn0>
Normalizing Discussions of Race with Children<https://jylpyg.clicks.mlsend.com/tb/c/eyJ2Ijoie1wiYVwiOjQ3ODk1OCxcImxcIjoxMzIwMTUxMDU0NDY1MTIxNTIsXCJyXCI6MTMyMDE1MTA2NzUzMDM3ODcyfSIsInMiOiI1M2M4Y2UwZDNjMjA0YWExIn0>
In this course, participants will:
* Understand the relevance and professional necessity of discussing race with children and caregivers.
* Demonstrate knowledge of cultural development stages.
* Improve communication in storytime and in library worker-child-caregiver conversations.
* Apply new knowledge to other services for children and caregivers in the library.
[Learn More - Description: Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Learn More]
Califa Group
330 Townsend Street, Suite 133, San Francisco
United States of America
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