[Michlib-l] MI Indoor Air Ventilation Program Informational session today! - Opportunity for libraries to get FREE air purifiers and filters
T.A. Cutler Memorial Library
cutlerlibrary at live.com
Thu Sep 19 15:37:26 EDT 2024
Was anyone able to get into this webinar (please reply off list; no need to spam the listserv if I was just having technical difficulaties)? I joined just before 2:00 and waited 30 minutes to be admitted, at which point the app kicked me and told me to try to join again.
Jessica Little
Library Director
T.A. Cutler Memorial Library
312 Michigan Ave.
Saint Louis, Michigan 48880
(989) 681-5141
From: Michlib-l <michlib-l-bounces at mcls.org> on behalf of Rachel Ash via Michlib-l <michlib-l at mcls.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2024 8:58 AM
To: michlib-l at mcls.org <michlib-l at mcls.org>
Subject: [Michlib-l] MI Indoor Air Ventilation Program Informational session today! - Opportunity for libraries to get FREE air purifiers and filters
Good morning!
Sharing information about an opportunity for free air purifiers and replacement filters that has been opened up to public libraries. The MI Indoor Air Ventilation program has been offering free air purifiers and replacement filters to K-12 schools, shelters, juvenile justice centers and long-term care facilities. They are now extending the program to public libraries.
They will be hosting an informational session today at 2:00 PM (all details and link in the attached document, flier info copied below)
This program is available to ALL public libraries!!
MDHHS has teamed up with a leading supplier of safety and prevention equipment, and a manufacturer of portable air cleaning systems, to serve our partners in the state of Michigan. The superior filtration removes 99.9% of particles down to 0.1 microns, enhancing indoor air quality, promoting clean air, and fostering safe, healthy environments. Please see the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendations on ventilation in buildings: Ventilation in Buildings | CDC. <https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/ventilation.html>
This partnership with MDHHS will be at no cost to your library. Attached, please find information and specifications for the air purifier and replacement filters that will be provided. The TCC team will also host an informational meeting about this program on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH @ 2PM via
Microsoft Teams:
Join the meeting now <https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NTkzMDYwNGYtMWE0YS00OTZlLTg1ZDYtMjI5MTc2OWNhZjg1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d5fb7087-3777-42ad-966a-892ef47225d1%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22cd32defc-fd1c-44d3-a797-2a03186603d3%22%7d>
Meeting ID: 236 419 559 876
Passcode: isu7Fe
Dial in by phone
+1 248-509-0316,,750824301# United States, Troy
Find a local number
Phone conference ID: 750 824 301#
For organizers: Meeting options | Reset dial-in PIN
To express your interest, please complete this form at your convenience: MI Indoor Air Ventilation Program - Request Form.<https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=h3D71Xc3rUKWaoku9HIl0fzeMs0c_dNEp5cqAxhmA9NUMkRRTzEzNjcxWUlQWVdETUFFNUE5RlpSUi4u>
Thank you and please feel free to reach out to the TCC team with any questions at
MDHHS-COVIDTestingSupport at michigan.gov<mailto:MDHHS-COVIDTestingSupport at michigan.gov>
[cidimage002.png at 01D73C4D.ABEAD040]
Rachel Ash
Membership and Communications Director
Michigan Library Association
PO Box 27337
Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: (517) 394-2774 ext. 2
Direct: (517) 881-6652
rfash at milibraries.org<mailto:%0bmilibraries.org%0brfash at milibraries.org>
Follow MLA on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/MichiganLibraryAssociation> and Twitter<https://twitter.com/mlaoffice>!
[MDHHS banner with logo no names]
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Testing Collection and Coordination (TCC) team is excited to share an important collaboration opportunity for ALL public libraries in the state of Michigan.
The MI Indoor Air Ventilation Program will now be extended to include ALL public libraries as an additional mitigation strategy for COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses. If you are interested in our program, MDHHS will be hosting an informational meeting on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 2pm.
Join the meeting now<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWMzMDY3NWMtZjkyZC00YThjLWJhNzctYTU2ZDdiYjg0ZWUy%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d5fb7087-3777-42ad-966a-892ef47225d1%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22cd32defc-fd1c-44d3-a797-2a03186603d3%22%7d>
Meeting ID: 236 419 559 876
Passcode: isu7Fe
Dial in by phone
+1 248-509-0316,,750824301#<tel:+12485090316,,750824301> United States, Troy
Find a local number<https://dialin.teams.microsoft.com/95e14c4b-c14d-430f-a556-75831bdf54bf?id=750824301>
Phone conference ID: 750 824 301#
Attached you will find more information about this meeting, how to submit your request, and a specification sheet. Facilities that are familiar with the program and would like to submit a request, please complete the MI Indoor Air Ventilation Program - Request Form<https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=h3D71Xc3rUKWaoku9HIl0fzeMs0c_dNEp5cqAxhmA9NUMkRRTzEzNjcxWUlQWVdETUFFNUE5RlpSUi4u&utm_campaign=&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery>.
If you have any questions, please email us at MDHHS-COVIDTestingSupport at michigan.gov<mailto:MDHHS-COVIDTestingSupport at michigan.gov>.
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