[Michlib-l] Thank you All

Lisa Waskin lwaskin at superiordistrictlibrary.org
Thu Sep 26 21:04:47 EDT 2024

I want to share a sincere thank you to everyone who has participated in the UPRLC Conferences for the past few years, from the SLC staff, to the conference committee members, our speakers and attendees. It has been my pleasure to chair this conference with all of you. I think this may have been our best conference yet.
Some of you know this already, but I will be stepping down as conference chair. This was my last one.
I know next year's conference will be even better and I encourage everyone to get involved. It has been amazing. ❤️

Lisa Waskin, District Director

Superior District Library

541 Library Drive

Sault Sainte Marie, MI 49783

Ph. (906) 632-9331

lwaskin at superiordistrictlibrary.org<mailto:lwaskin at superiordistrictlibrary.org>

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