[Mi-local-history] Welcome message

Pacer, Matt (MDE) PacerM at michigan.gov
Mon Feb 5 15:52:52 EST 2024

Welcome to Mi-local-history at mcls.org<mailto:Mi-local-history at mcls.org>!

Thank you for subscribing to the MILocalHistory listserv.

MiLocalHistory is a listserv moderated by the Library of Michigan where librarians and associated individuals may ask questions, offer/receive guidance, and discuss local collections.  As with MichLib, local collection offers may be made on this list.

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Matthew Pacer
Reference Librarian
Library of Michigan
702 W. Kalamazoo
P.O. Box 30007
Lansing, MI  48909
pacerm at michigan.gov<mailto:pacerm at michigan.gov>
librarian at michigan.gov<mailto:librarian at michigan.gov>

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