[Mi-local-history] Greetings

Pacer, Matt (MDE) PacerM at michigan.gov
Thu Feb 15 12:32:11 EST 2024


Welcome everyone to the MiLocalHistory listserv. Our intention is that all of us can benefit from the collective knowledge of the community. To help kick-start postings, are there any current local history project(s) you or your library is working on that you want to share with the group? Or any project questions? Some potential ideas are a new local collection your library acquired, a digitization project, a program/event, etc.

For the Library of Michigan, we have been working with Reveal Digital on the American Prison Newspapers Project (American Prison Newspapers - About JSTOR<https://about.jstor.org/revealdigital/american-prison-newspapers/>). Our participation started last year as staff identified the prison newspapers in our collection, completed the appropriate project documents, and packaged and transported the material to Reveal Digital. The site listed above takes you to the JSTOR portal for this open collection. Many libraries contributed items to the open collection. The easiest way to view the Michigan prison newspapers is to type Michigan in the search bar. Our Michigan prison newspapers will be available on our LM Digital platform as well within the next month. Please take time to explore the collection and inform any patrons/researchers who could benefit from this great resource.


Matthew Pacer
Reference Librarian
Library of Michigan
702 W. Kalamazoo
P.O. Box 30007
Lansing, MI  48909
pacerm at michigan.gov<mailto:pacerm at michigan.gov>
librarian at michigan.gov<mailto:librarian at michigan.gov>

Check out the curated content on the LM homepage including state and national CE offerings, LM events, stats reports, headlines from around the library world and intriguing snapshots of our varied collections at https://michigan.gov/libraryofmichigan
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