[Michlib-l] Oklahoma Correctional Institute

BEL Deb Jones beldrj at llcoop.org
Mon Oct 14 15:33:20 EDT 2013

Hello All - I received a phone call from Troy Haskell at OCI, Oklahoma 
Correctional Institute/Industries, 405-527-0832, (he is sending me an email 
with all the information) and he offered to digitize our HS yearbooks for 
FREE, and pay postage both ways.  I Googled the phone number and 
organization and called one of the references at the Weatherford Public 
Library, TX.  All good!!  
Of course - if it's too good to be true
 Has anyone been approached by this 
organization?  Has anyone heard of this organization? Has anyone used their 
services?  He said that they want the publicity for their inmates and hope 
by doing yearbooks for libraries and non-profits, that they may get paid 
work digitizing other materials in the future.  Thank you for your 
response.  Deb.

Deborah L. Jones, Director
Alvah N. Belding Memorial Library
302 E Main Street
Belding MI 48809
P 616.7941450
F 616.794.3510
This institution is an equal opportunity provider, and employer.

A truly great library contains something in it to offend everyone.
- Jo Godwin

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