[Michlib-l] Rural Libraries Conference

Sarah Gault s.gault at buchananlibrary.com
Mon Apr 28 16:00:07 EDT 2014

I have a question about parking – I may have missed that somewhere in regards to St. Ignace port.  Is there a cost to leave our cars?  And another question when we get on the island – getting to the Grand?  Horse & Buggy correct?  Is that first come/first serve as well? Thanks!


From: michlib-l-bounces at mcls.org [mailto:michlib-l-bounces at mcls.org] On Behalf Of Evelyn Lyzenga
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 3:07 PM
To: Nannette Miller
Cc: michlib-l at mail.mcls.org
Subject: Re: [Michlib-l] Rural Libraries Conference


I called Shepler's this morning and spoke to them. They only have empty vehicles on the deck. We will be in a warm cabinet on the barge to over to the island. I talk to her quite extensively and I have no qualls about going over even after looking at the video link you posted. This is the way it is this time of year, maybe not every year but certainly this year. I do not believe that Sheplers will try to endanger us. They did tell me that the ferry ride will be at least 40 minutes each way. 


My husband and I are going. It is always better to talk to the horse's mouth to get the right scoop on things.


Evie Lyzenga

Evie Lyzenga

Administrative Assistant

Allegan District Library

Ph: 269-673-4625

Email: evielyzenga at alleganlibrary.org


On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 2:02 PM, Nannette Miller <erdl at elkrapidsnet.com> wrote:

I seem to have stirred up some folks by asking if anyone else was cancelling going to the conference.  I did not mean to suggest that Shepler’s would ever endanger any passengers, but that is part of my concern.  If any ferry trips have to be cancelled it will make getting on and off the Island that much more difficult, and expensive.  Someone suggested that the Library of Michigan will reimburse us if we fly.  Is that true?  I haven’t seen that anywhere.  All I am saying is I am not willing to ride in a bus strapped to the deck of the Sacre Bleu going 5 mph through the ice for an hour.  That’s assuming conditions permit strapping buses and vans to the deck.  If they aren’t then they can take 54 people at a time.


It is my personal opinion that there is cause for concern.  Maybe those of us who live on the Great Lakes have a little more respect for their power. 


Everything will probably be fine, and I hope you all have a great conference.  I am really sorry we will miss it.


Nannette Miller

Elk Rapids District Library

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